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Current Pharmaceutical Design


ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

Review Article

Breast Cancer and Anesthesia

Author(s): Aida Raigon-Ponferrada, María E.D. Recio*, Jose L. Guerrero-Orriach*, Alfredo Malo-Manso, Juan J. Escalona-Belmonte, Marta R. Aliaga, Alicia R. Fernández, Francisco J.F. García, Emilio A. Conejo and José Cruz-Mañas

Volume 25, Issue 28, 2019

Page: [2998 - 3004] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/1381612825666190712183436

Price: $65

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Breast cancer is a complex heterogeneous disease that is categorized into several histological and genomic subtypes with relevant prognostic and therapeutical implications. Such diversity requires a multidisciplinary approach for a comprehensive treatment that will involve surgeons, radiotherapists and medical oncologists.

Breast cancer is classified as either local (or locoregional), which stands for 90-95% of cases, or metastatic, representing 5% of cases.

The management of breast cancer will be determined by the stage of the disease. The treatment of local breast cancer is based on surgery and/or radiotherapy. Systemic breast cancer requires chemotherapy and/or endocrine and/or biological therapy.

Keywords: Anesthetic drugs and techniques, opioids, propofol, volatile agent, breast cancer, cancer recurrence, immune cells, natural killer cells.

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