Title:Molybdenum Metallopharmaceuticals Candidate Compounds - The “Renaissance” of Molybdenum Metallodrugs?
Volume: 23
Issue: 29
Author(s): Anna Jurowska, Kamil Jurowski, Janusz Szklarzewicz, Boguslaw Buszewski, Tatiana Kalenik and Wojciech Piekoszewski
Cancer drugs, Huntington's disease, Inorganic medicinal chemistry, Metallodrugs, Metallopharmaceuticals,
Molybdenum complexes, Wilson disease.
Abstract: Metal-based drugs, also called “metallopharmaceuticals” or “metallodrugs”,
are examples of sophisticated compounds that have been used in
inorganic medicinal chemistry as therapeutic agents for a long time. Few of them
have shown substantially promising results and many of them have been used in
different phases of clinical trials. The Mo-based metallodrugs were successfully
applied in the past for treating conditions such as anemia or Wilson’s disease.
Moreover, Mo complexes are supposed to exert their effect by intercalation/
cleavage of DNA/RNA, arrest of the cell cycle, and alteration of cell membrane
functions. However, in the current literature, there are no reliable and in-depth
reviews about the hypothetical therapeutic applications of all of the known
molybdenum complexes as metallopharmaceuticals/ metallodrugs. The main
emphasis was on the in-depth review of the potential applications of Mo-based
complexes in medicinal chemistry as metallopharmaceuticals in treating diseases
such as cancer and tumors, Wilson’s disease, diabetes mellitus, Huntington’s
disease, atherosclerosis, and anemia. It must be emphasized that today the
development of innovative and new Mo-based metalo-pharmaceuticals is not
rapid, and hence the aim of this paper was also to inspire colleagues working in
the field of Mo compounds who are trying to find “signpost” for research. The
authors hope that this article will increase interest and initiate the Renaissance of
Mo-compounds among medicinal inorganic chemists. This paper is the first
review article in the literature that refers to and emphasizes many different and
complex aspects of possible applications and capabilities of Mo-based