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Current Pharmaceutical Design


ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

Research Article

Systematic Analysis of the Therapy Resistance Genes and their Prognostic Relevance in Cervical Cancer

Author(s): Sangavi Eswaran, Mythili Padavu, Dileep Kumar and Shama Prasada Kabekkodu*

Volume 29, Issue 25, 2023

Published on: 04 September, 2023

Page: [2018 - 2032] Pages: 15

DOI: 10.2174/1381612829666230816100623

Price: $65

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Introduction: Critical issues in the therapeutic management of cervical cancer (CC) include therapy resistance and treatment failure. The development of therapy resistance is a multifaceted, progressive process, including genetic and epigenetic abnormalities. The present study aimed to identify genes that may contribute to therapy resistance in CC.

Materials and Methods: We have created an extensive list of the genes in cancer that are therapy-resistant using a text-mining approach. The list was compared with the TCGA-CESC dataset to identify the differentially expressed therapy resistance genes (DETRGs) in CC. We used online resources (UALCAN, DNMIVD, cBio- Portal, HCMDB, OncoDB, ShinyGO, HPA, KM Plotter, TIMER, and DGIdb) to determine the potential association between methylation and expression of therapy resistance genes with the prognosis and clinical outcomes in CC.

Results: The systematic analysis identified 71 out of 91 DETRGs showed aberrant DNA methylation. The overlapping analysis identified 25 genes to show an inverse correlation between methylation and expression. Further, differential expression or methylation could be helpful in CC staging, HPV association, prediction of metastasis and prognosis. The study identified seven driver genes in CC. The PPIN identifies ten hub genes (HGs) associated with CC staging, cancer hallmarks, and prognosis to affect long-term survival.

Conclusion: Our thorough investigation uncovered several novel genes and pathways that might contribute to therapy resistance in CC. The genes identified in our study may serve as a biomarker, prognostic indicator, and therapeutic target in CC.

Keywords: Therapy resistance, TCGA-CESC, prognosis, Hub genes, cervical cancer, DETRGs.

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