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Current Pharmaceutical Design


ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

General Review Article

Machine Learning Methods in Prediction of Protein Palmitoylation Sites: A Brief Review

Author(s): Yanwen Li, Feng Pu, Jingru Wang, Zhiguo Zhou, Chunhua Zhang, Fei He*, Zhiqiang Ma* and Jingbo Zhang*

Volume 27, Issue 18, 2021

Published on: 12 November, 2020

Page: [2189 - 2198] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/1381612826666201112142826

Price: $65

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Protein palmitoylation is a fundamental and reversible post-translational lipid modification that involves a series of biological processes. Although a large number of experimental studies have explored the molecular mechanism behind the palmitoylation process, the computational methods has attracted much attention for its good performance in predicting palmitoylation sites compared with expensive and time-consuming biochemical experiments. The prediction of protein palmitoylation sites is helpful to reveal its biological mechanism. Therefore, the research on the application of machine learning methods to predict palmitoylation sites has become a hot topic in bioinformatics and promoted the development in the related fields. In this review, we briefly introduced the recent development in predicting protein palmitoylation sites by using machine learningbased methods and discussed their benefits and drawbacks. The perspective of machine learning-based methods in predicting palmitoylation sites was also provided. We hope the review could provide a guide in related fields.

Keywords: Palmitoylation, machine learning methods, benchmark, feature extraction, bioinformatics, post-translational, post-translational lipid modification.

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