Culture techniques using matrix structures have been improved for in vitro
studies of angiogenesis. Collagen gel culture was used for studying the biological
process of angiogenesis. During angiogenesis, electron microscopic and
immunohistochemical studies were performed. DNA micro-array gene expression was
also conducted. Capillary tubes in the collagen gel were positive for Tnf-α, Nrp-1 and
CD133. To test anti-angiogenic drugs, the collagen gel culture was applied.
Thalidomide induced the inhibition of cell migration and suppression of Tnf-α.
Thalidomide-induced inhibition of angiogenesis involves apoptosis. Cell migration was
inhibited by lovastatin. Lovastatin caused the capillary tube degradation. The collagen
gel culture provides a useful method for assaying anti-angiogenic effect of drugs.
Keywords: Angiogenesis, Aorta, CD133, collagen gel, culture, DNA micro-array,
Fgf, Hematopoietic progenitor cell, Hematopoietic stem Cell, Integrin, laser,
lovastatin, nrp, SEM, skeletal muscle, TEM, thalidomide, Tnf-α, Vascular injury,