Microbial inhabitants of soil are in an active state and change in response to
modifications in environmental conditions, amendments, management, etc. Although
various methods have been developed to study the biological properties of a disturbed
soil sample or with their precincts, adoption of a method should be done keeping in
mind the objective, limitations and assumptions of the method. Reproducibility of
results is important to have broad applicability and comparisons, which in turn will
depend upon effectiveness. Soil is a diverse medium having varying physicochemical
properties, and hence, there should be modifications while standardizing the method. It
will help in getting reproductive results. Sampling, processing, and storage of samples
are equally important to have a true picture of the soil and need appropriate care. The
numbers and kinds of fungi on the root surface, i.e., rhizoplane of the leguminous crop
plant and in the rhizosphere (near the roots), have been compared with the number and
kinds in root-free soil. The crops showed a typical rhizosphere effect, and there were
more microorganisms in the rhizosphere than in root-free soil. A total of 34 different
species of fungi were identified. The majority belong to the Aspergillus genus. Roots
and the rhizosphere of moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia) yielded a higher proportion of
fungi than did root-free soil
Keywords: Hyphae, Inhibition, Rhizosphere, Soil Factor, Soil Dilution.