Sphingolipids are a class of lipids containing the backbone of long-chain
amino-alcohol bases in their structure, which are synthesized in the endoplasmic
reticulum. Modification of this base gives rise to a variety of such lipids ranging from
simple to complex sphingolipids that play a significant structural and functional role in
membrane biology as well as regulate various cellular processes. Sphingosine,
dihydrosphingosine and phytosphingosine are nature's most frequently occurring bases.
Ceramides are the simplest sphingolipids after the backbone. These fatty acids are
amide-linked derivatives of sphingoid bases and central intermediates of sphingolipid
metabolism. Ceramides perform various biological functions and constitute the
hydrophobic backbone of all complex sphingolipids. The best-characterized
sphingolipids in fungi and yeast are glycosphingolipids (GSLs), which could be
categorized into two groups, neutral GSLs (glucosyl and galactosylceramide) and
acidic GSLs, (glycosylinositol-phosphorylceramides). Due to the several important
functions of sphingolipids in cell biology, it is crucial to understand the regulation and
metabolism of sphingolipids. Despite the diversity of structure and function of
sphingolipids, their synthesis and degradation are governed by common synthetic and
catabolic pathways. In recent years, significant progress in the field of sphingolipids
has been made. Recent developments in sphingolipid biology, including the
construction of analytical and genetic tools and the development of computer
visualization techniques for sphingolipids analysis, have highlighted the role of
sphingolipids in developing anticancer and antifungal therapeutics. Recent advances in
sphingolipid biology continue to provoke and inspire vigorous investigations in
Keywords: Anticancer, Antifungal, Biological functions, Biosynthesis, Ceramide, Dihydrosphingosine, Degradation, Glycosphingolipids, Long-chain bases, Metabolism, Nomenclature, Occurrence, Phytosphingosine, Sphingolipid structure, Sphingolipids, Sphingosine, SphingoViz.