Lipids are considered a heterogeneous group of organic compounds which
contain fats and their derivatives. This chapter achieved the data available on the nature
and composition of lipids in filamentous fungi, and their distribution within the cell.
The chapter describes some aspects of lipid metabolism, including fatty acid
biosynthesis, lipid accumulation mechanisms, and different fermentation strategies.
The lipid content of vegetative hyphae varies between 1% and more than 50%, of
spores between 1% and 35%, and of yeast cells between 7% and approximately 15% of
the tissue dry weights. The amount of lipids produced by a given species of fungus
depends on the developmental stage of the growth and on the culture conditions.
Culture parameters that influence the growth and the lipid contents of fungi have been
found to be temperature, carbon and nitrogen sources, pH, inorganic salts, and others.
The qualitative and quantitative nature of the extracellular lipids is influenced by the
different growth parameters. The extracellular lipids known in a large number of
oleaginous strains include polyol fatty acid esters, glycolipids, hydroxy fatty acids,
sugar alcohols, acetylated sphingosines, and acetylated fatty acids. The main purpose
of this chapter was to explain the biochemistry behind fungal lipid accumulation in
oleaginous filamentous fungi, their distribution and functions, and the current
applications of fungal fermentation strategies.
Keywords: Environmental and nutritional factors, Fungal lipid contents, Fatty acids synthesis, Filamentous fungi, Fungal growth, Fermentation strategies, Lipid functions and distribution, Lipid composition.