Solid State & Microelectronics Technology


Author(s): Sunipa Roy*, Chandan Kumar Ghosh*, Sayan Dey* and Abhijit Kumar Pal *

Pp: 322-331 (10)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815079876123010010

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


This chapter introduces the readers to the diffusion process of doping intrinsic silicon. It discusses Fick’s Law of diffusion in-depth and the different types of diffusion that may be observed. Towards the latter part of the chapter, the diffusion process in semiconductors has been discussed in detail, explaining the diffusion-assisted doping process commonly employed for semiconductors, especially silicon

Keywords: Fick’s Law, Interstitial, Vacancy, Diffusion flux, Steady-state diffusion, Drive-in diffusion.

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