Thermoelectric generator (TEG) converts waste heat energy from
automobiles into valuable electrical power and has no moving parts compared to
conventional thermoelectric motors. The functioning of TEG is dependent on the
design and the material used. TEGs are classified as small and medium power outputs.
Small power outputs are in the range between 5 μW to 1W, and high power outputs are
higher than 1W in a TEG. Thermoelectric power generators offer fast, economical
storage methods for wearable and mobile applications. Macro heat waste application is
recovered through in-house, industrial and solid waste. Moreover, an immense amount
of waste fuel, such as recycling and power plants, is emitted from the industry; this can
be utilized in a useful manner by TEGs. This chapter discusses the TEG study of the
fundamental operating principles, TEG products, micro applications and energy
generation techniques.
Keywords: Applications, Energy storage, Heat engines, Power generation, Thermoelectric generator, Waste heat recovery.