Galleria mellonella L. (Greater Wax Moth) and Achroia grisella E (Lesser
Wax Moth) are honey bees' most disastrous and economically important pests.
Furthermore, in comparison to adults, larvae are a primary destructive stage for honey
bee colonies. Voraciously feeding larvae prefer to take bee combs, stored pollen
reserves, honey, larval and pupal exuviate, slum gum of the hive, wax capping, natural
bee wax, and queen-rearing material containing wax in the storage. Larvae bore the
hive, constructing silken tunnels in the colony combs to feed on stored products in the
hive. The infested combs become covered with a mass of webbing and faecal matter
that results in the condition of gallariasis. Weaker, queen-less, poorly managed, less
ventilated colonies and abandoned bee hives become easy targets of wax moth
Further, the strong colonies are also prone to infestation, being a potential host for the
heavy growth of this destructive breeder pest. However, after infestation, the bee
population of strong colonies declines quickly, and eventually, the hive is destroyed.
The present chapter highlights the introduction of the concerned disastrous pest,
morphology, development, mating, reproduction, and control. The wax moth is
considered a problem by apiarists. In contrast, while considering other characteristic
features of this insect, the potential ability to degrade plastic of variant types, it
provides an excellent solution to increasing plastic pollution. Considering both
characteristics of this insect, the present book is titled 'Wax Moth a Problem or
Keywords: The Wax Moth, Honey Bees, Wax Moth Infestation, Galleria mellonella, Apis mellifera.