This chapter deals with the class of aminoquinolines or quinolone
antimalarial, antibiotic, antibacterial and antifungal drugs. Brand names of the
antimalarial agent (e.g. Chloroquin, Primaquine), antifungal agent (e.g. Fluconazole),
antibiotic agent (Nalidixic acid, Norfloxacin, Chloramphenicol), antibacterial and
antifungal agents (Sulphonamides, Sulfamethoxazole, Sulphacetamide, Trimethoprim)
along with the uses, mode of action and side effects have been discussed in this
chapter. Various synthetic methods have shown for these drug molecules. Different
types of name reactions have included as the key for their synthesis.
Keywords: Drug discovery, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics.