A lab worker was severely burned working with a bottle of t-butyl-lithium.
Tertiary butyl-lithium is a highly volatile chemical and spontaneously catches fire upon
exposure to air. A scientist died working with bacteria; the infection that killed the
scientist may be connected to a virus that causes small pox. Accidents in academic
settings happen quite frequently every year in developed and developing countries.
Most of the time, laboratories are fully stocked with hazardous chemicals such as
strong acids, flammable items and neurotoxins. They also have natural gas-guzzling
Bunsen burners and high-pressure cookers called autoclaves. Additionally, biology labs
often have infectious organisms, chemistry labs have explosives, and physics labs often
have lasers. Factually, everywhere you turn, there is something that could seriously
injure you. But we cannot stop them from working on those things which improve the
health of mankind. On the other hand, we have to take precautions in the laboratory for
safe handling of biological materials and living organisms. The primary purpose of this
chapter is to learn work safely with biological materials as well as to address other
issues such as knowledge of specific biological agents and toxins, quality laboratory
management practices and an overall safety culture.
Keywords: Biosafety Levels1 (BSL-1), Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2), Biosafety
Levels 3 (BSL-3), Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4), Biosecurity, Bloodborne
Pathogens, Bloodborne Diseases, Chemical Waste, Facility Construction, General
Laboratory Safety, Genetically Modified Organisms (Gmos), Hepatitis B
(HBV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Research Animal Waste,
Radiation Waste, Safety Equipment, Transgenic Plants, Transgenic And “Knock-
Out” Animals, Viral Vectors For Gene Transfer, Waste Disposal.