In order to deliver quality health care to the community and experience
medicine as rewarding career, professionals in healthcare sector also need to be
healthy. According to International Labour Organisation (ILO)/World Health
Organisation (WHO) declaration on health services 2005, Health care workers are all
persons involved in actions whose main intent is to enhance health. They comprise all
those individuals who provide health facilities, such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists,
laboratory technicians, support workers such as finance officers, cooks, drivers,
cleaners and security. Healthcare workers also include persons involved in long term
care, community based care, home care and informal caregivers. Nosocomial infections
are cross infections acquired from one patient by another or by doctors, nurses and
other hospital staff while at work. The various risk factors to which healthcare
professionals are exposed to are categorized as Biological, Chemical, Physical,
Psychosocial, Electrical and Ergonomic. Trachoma, Leprosy, AIDS and Tetanus are
some of the Surface infections to which health workers are exposed whileEmerging
infectious diseases include SARS, H1N1, MERS, Chikngunya, Zika virus etc. A
number of infectious diseases are avoidable if proper preventive measures like Hand
wash (How and when), masks, sanitization, vaccination and post exposure treatments
are followed by medical staff. Moreover, medical and paramedical staff with healthy
habits is more likely to inculcate healthy behaviour in their patients.
Keywords: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Acute Respiratory
Infections, Anaesthetic Drugs, Biohazard Level (1, 2, 3, 4), Cleaning and
Disinfectants, Cytotoxic Dugs, Droplet Infection and Nuclei, Ebola Virus Disease,
External and Internal Stressor, Hepatitis Viruses C, D, E and G, HIV Infection