Enlightenment, physiological state of supreme Quiet, results abruptly from
the Meditational state through unitization of fragmented physiology of ordinary man.
Meditation has given long absorbing attention to actualities of the present moment.
Subsequently Enlightened, all perceptions are of the total present, made possible by
complete unresponsiveness to conditioned stimuli that had habitually reactivated
residues of suffering. Tranquillity follows spontaneously, so does appropriate behavior,
yet appearing “strange” to ordinary fragmented man. Despite extreme scientific
disparities, a system parallel abstractly to Enlightenment appears abruptly at 2.17°
Absolute, as superfluid in helium, 4He II, a quantum liquid. Its background noise is
virtually zero, its viscosity is zero; it flows without differences in pressure. Its
strangeness transcends commonly-held dualities of opposites as does Enlightenment.
Macroscopic motion is inherent in its most stable stationary quantum state paralleling
most stable physiologic state of living man, when Enlightened. Is this existential
energy of motion Qi, the 'life energy' of Chinese tradition?
Keywords: Conditioned stimuli, Enlightenment, Macromolecule, Non-reactivity,
Now awareness, Parallelism, Physiologic state, Reactivity, Spontaneous
synchronization, Stable stationary states, Superfluid helium, Transcends duality,
Tranquility, Unresponsiveness.