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Current Medicinal Chemistry - Anti-Infective Agents

(Continued as Anti-Infective Agents)

Volume 4 , Issues 4, 2005

Volume 4, Issue 4 , 2005

CycloSal-Pronucleotides of Brivudine Monophosphate - Highly Active Antiviral Agents

Pp: 317-335
Author(s): Chris Meier, Astrid Meerbach and Peter Wutzler
DOI: 10.2174/156801205774322232

Old and New Strategies for the Discovery of Antibacterial Agents

Pp: 337-353
Author(s): J. Vila, J. Sanchez-Cespedes and E. Giralt
DOI: 10.2174/156801205774322269

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