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Drug Delivery Letters

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Volume 14 , Issues 4, 2024

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Institutional Members

Editorial Board

ddl Editor-in-Chief ddl_ebm_j-fang_001 Fang Jia-You Pharmaceutics Laboratory Graduate Institute of Natural Products Chang Gung University Taoyuan Taiwan

Dr. Jia-You Fang is a Professor in the Graduate Institute at Chang Gung University in Taiwan. In addition, he is an Adjunct Professor at the Graduate Institute of Health Industrial Technology, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology and Department of Anesthesiology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. He is currently a Visiting Professor at King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. Over the past 25 years, he and his team have made outstanding contributions to the understanding of drug delivery, pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, nanomedicine, and cosmetology.

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Co-Editor-in-Chief ddl_ebm_omri-sh_001 Omri Abdelwahab Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Laurentian University Ontario ON Canada

Dr. Abdel Omri received his Ph.D. from Université de Montréal in 1996. He is currently a Full Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry with a cross-appointment to the Department of Biology, the Biomolecular Sciences Ph.D. Programme, School of Rural and Northern Health Ph.D. Programme and School of Midwifery. Dr. Omri’s research interests are focused on Lipid-based drug and vaccine delivery systems. His laboratory employs a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing the antimicrobial resistance to gram-negative bacteria in cystic fibrosis patients and medical device implants. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed research articles over his career on various aspects of drug delivery and targeting in addition to several published book chapters and books. In addition, Dr. Omri has 3 patents. He has served on several Editorial Boards and Granting Agencies in Canada and abroad as well.

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Honorary Senior Advisor(s) cos_ebm_torchilin-vp_001 Torchilin Vladimir P. Center for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Nanomedicine Northeastern University Boston MA USA

Dr. Vladimir P. Torchilin, Ph.D., D.Sc., is a University Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Director of the Center for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Nanomedicine, at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Dr. Torchilin’s research interests mainly include drug delivery and targeting, nanomedicine, multifunctional and stimuli-sensitive pharmaceutical nanocarriers, biomedical polymers, experimental cancer therapy, etc. He has published more than 400 original papers, more than 150 reviews and book chapters, wrote and edited 12 books, and holds more than 40 patents. Dr. Torchilin has received more than $30mn from governmental and industrial sources in research funding. In 2011, Times Higher Education ranked him number 2 among the top world scientists in pharmacology from 2000 to 2010.

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Associate Editors ddl_ebm_hwang_001 Hwang Tsong-Long Department of Anesthesiology Chang Gung University Taoyuan Taiwan

Dr. Hwang is a professor of Graduate Institute of Natural Products, Chang Gung University and a dean of College of Human Ecology, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Dr. Hwang obtained Ph.D. in pharmacology from National Taiwan University, Taiwan. His research interests include inflammopharmacology, innate immunity, phytopharmacology, and signal transduction. He has published more than 300 research papers and served as Editorial board member and reviewer for many professional journals.

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Simerska Pavla Faculty of Medicine The University of Queensland Brisbane Australia [email protected] Scopus RsearcherId
Regional Editors Europe Hassan Moustapha Department of Laboratory Medicine Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge Stockholm Sweden [email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ddl_ebm_perrie_001 Perrie Yvonne Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences University of Strathclyde Glasgow UK

Professor Yvonne Perrie is a Professor in Drug Delivery at the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Scotland. She has a BSc (First-Class Hons) in Pharmacy from Strathclyde University, and a PhD from the University of London under the supervision of Prof Gregoriadis. Yvonne’s research is multi-disciplinary and focused on the development of drug carrier systems for the delivery of drugs and vaccines. Yvonne is a Director-at-large for the Controlled Release Society. She is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Liposome Research and Pharmaceutics and Associate Editor for the Journal of Drug Targeting and the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology.

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East Asia Hayakawa Yoshihiro Division of Biological & Environmental Chemistry Aichi Institute of Technology Aichi Japan [email protected] Scopus RsearcherId
Frontiers Section Editor ddl_ebm_Zhang-h_001 Zhang Hongwei Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences MCPHS University in Boston Boston MA USA

Dr. Hongwei Zhang is an Assistant Professor at the School of Pharmacy - Boston, MCPHS University. Dr. Zhang obtained his Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutics from Sichuan University and received postdoctoral training in the Gene Therapy Center at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Dr. Zhang is an internationally recognized expert in nanomedicine and gene transfer. He has received multiple awards, including the Innovation in Biotechnology Award from the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and the Postdoctoral Fellowship Award from the American Heart Association. Dr. Zhang has authored nearly 50 manuscripts and 3 patents.

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Section Editor ddl_ebm_mozafari-mr_001 Mozafari Marcel R. Australasian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Initiative Monash University Melbourne Australia

Dr. Mozafari is an expert in Nano-biotechnology, Encapsulation & Targeting of Bioactive agents with a substantial number of publications, 5 Patents, 5 Books & several Book-chapters. Author of the first book on Nanoliposomes; completed many industrial research projects, developed methods (e.g. “Mozafari Method”) for large-scale manufacture of controlled-release systems without using toxic agents. Recently, Dr. Mozafari has introduced a novel technology for the encapsulation and delivery of bioactive material known as "Tocosome".

[email protected] [email protected] Nanocarrier Technologies for Bioactive Delivery Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
Editorial Board Members ddl_ebm_agrawal_001 Agrawal Ajay DyoDelta Biosciences, Ltd ImmuPharma PLC London UK

Dr Ajay K Agrawal received his doctorate in Chemistry, and conducted his post- doctoral research in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta, Canada and Molecular Cell Pathology, Royal Free Hospital, London on novel targeted cancer drug delivery therapeutics and imaging systems based on pegylation. He has been in the board of directors of several biotech and pharma companies in UK, Europe and USA, including the development board of Buckingham Medical School, the first independent medical school in UK started recently, without any public money since Victorian times. Dr Agrawal has been on the editorial board of a number of journals, published by Bentham Science Publishers. One of his invited review articles was cited in the “Current Awareness in Biomedicine: Drug Targeting Bulletin” after being scanned in over 2,500 journals.

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ddl_ebm_agu_001 Agu Remigius U. Faculty of Heath and Pharmacy Dalhousie University Halifax NS Canada [email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ddl_ebm_Alany-raid_001 Alany Raid Department of Pharmaceutics School of Pharmacy and Chemistry Kingston University London UK

Professor Alany is the Editor-In-Chief of Pharmaceutical Development and Technology (Taylor and Francis). He served as Section Editor for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology for nine years. He serves on the Editorial Board of: Current Medical Research and Opinion; BioMed Research International; Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology; Current Drug Delivery; Pharmaceutics MDPI; Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, Drug Delivery Letters and Scientia Pharmaceutica. He is an author on over 250 scientific research publications a book and eight book chapters; he has over $NZ 2M (£GBP 1M) in contestable research and enterprise funding

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ddl_ebm_alexander_a_at_001 Alexander Amit Department of Pharmaceutics Rungta College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Bhilai India

Dr. Amit Alexander is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutics at Rungta College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India. Dr. Alexander has an overall teaching experience of 11 years and 8 Years of Research Experience. To his credit, he has more than 120 scientific publications with a cumulative impact factor of 182.898, in different esteemed journals of international repute. His publications citations (h-index) in Scopus is 20, and in Google Scholar is 25. He is also serving as a Review Editor in Frontier in Biomaterial Journal and Reviewer in various reputed Journals.

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ddl_ebm_Meser_a_at_001 Ali Meser M. Department of Oncology Wayne State University Detroit, MI USA [email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ddl_ebm_arias-mjl_001 Arias Manuel J.L. Department of Chemical engineering Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona Spain

Manuel Jose Lis Arias did B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering. He has specialized in the mass transport mechanisms that are involved in Textile Chemistry and Chemical reaction engineering. Since the year 2004, he has been working on microencapsulation of active principles using biopolymers applied to textiles and in Biofunctional Textiles. He has published more than 50 articles in national and international journals and has tutored more than 60 works of the final degree in B.Sc. and M.Sc. programs. Dr. Arias is a member of the Textile Institute and the American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS) and an honorary member of the Latin American Association of Textile Chemists and Colourists and a Member of the Direction Board of the Spanish Association of Textile Chemists and Colourists (AEQCT). Besides, he is also the Head of Surfactants and Detergency Lab.

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ddl_ebm_bergonzi_001 Bergonzi Maria C. Department of Chemistry University of Florence Florence Italy

Dr. Bergonzi is interested in the study of bioactive molecules from plant matrices. One other focus of her research includes the improvement of bioavailability and technological features of drugs and natural products extracts by using conventional and innovative drug delivery systems. She has a deep knowledge of the analytics and pharmaceutical technology of herbal drugs, herbal drug preparations and herbal medicinal products. The purpose of its studies is to increase the solubility and/or the chemical stability of various natural plant extracts or compounds to improve their bioavailability profile and, consequently the effectiveness.

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ddl_ebm_schnurch_001 Bernkop-Schnurch Andreas Department of Pharmaceutical Technology University of Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria

Andreas Bernkop-Schnürch did his M.Sc in pharmacy from the Institute of Pharmacy and D.Sc in microbiology and genetics from the Institute of Microbiology and Genetics, and did his doctorate from the University of Vienna, in 1994. In 2003, he was appointed to a chair in pharmaceutical technology from the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Dr. Bernkop-Schnürch is the author of over 340 research articles and reviews as well as editor and (co-)author of several books. He is the founder of Mucobiomer GmbH (now part of the Croma-Pharma GmbH), Thiomatrix GmbH and Green River Polymers GmbH.

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ddl_ebm_bolhassani-a-ah_001 Bolhassani Azam Department of Hepatitis and AIDs Pasteur Institute of Iran Tehran Tehran Iran

Dr. Azam Bolhassani is an Associate Prof. at Hepatitis and AIDS Department in Pasteur Institute of Iran. She has about 10 years of experience in vaccine design against HPV, HIV and slightly HCV infections as well as the research on immunotherapy and chemotherapy against cancer, and the use of different adjuvants and delivery systems for enhancement of vaccine potency. Notably, Dr. Bolhassani has authored more than 90 manuscripts, 2 patents, five chapters of book and she is the Editor of a book entitled as HPV Infections: Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment. Her group works on a variety of vaccines, including DNA vaccine, Protein vaccine, Peptide vaccine, VLP vaccine and recently, DC and MSC vaccines as well as the anti-cancer effects of natural components derived from plants such as saffron.

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ddl_ebm_carbone_001 Carbone Claudia Department of Drug Sciences Cittadella Universitaria Catania Italy

Claudia Carbone is an Assistant Professor with Habilitation from the University of Catania, where she teaches Pharmaceutical Technology and Galenic Laboratory. She graduated in Pharmacy and got her PhD in Pharmaceutical Technology from the University of Palermo. In 2017, she was a visiting professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Coimbra, where she worked in collaboration with Prof Eliana Souto. Her research focuses on advanced drug delivery systems to overcome biological barriers. She is interested in natural products and coating strategies. Besides, she is involved in the ophthalmic delivery research of the Research Centre for Ocular Nanotechnology in Catania.

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ddl_ebm_castro_001 Castro Guillermo R. Department of Chemistry Faculty of Exact Sciences University of La Plata La Plata Argentina

Dr. Castro did his MSc. and Ph.D. in Chemistry (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina), Postdoc from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1996-1998, Cambridge, USA) and Tufts University (Boston, US), later, he became Adjunct Professor in the Dept Biomedical Eng., Tufts University (2001-2006, USA). Present positions: P.I. (Natl Res Council (CONICET, Argentina); Full Professor, Biotech Area, Dept of Chemistry, School of Sciences, National University of La Plata (UNLP, Argentina). Director of Nanobiomaterials Laboratory and Institute of Applied Biotechnology (CINDEFI, La Plata, Argentina). Scientific production: 5 patents, more than 120 papers and book chapters.

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ddl_ebm_cavalli-r_001 Cavalli Roberta Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology University of Turin Torino Italy

Dr. Roberta Cavalli, Full Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology, Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco - Università degli Studi di Torino, has a multi-year experience in the design and development of either conventional pharmaceutical formulations or innovative nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems, as well as their in vitro and in vivo characterization. More recently, her interest moved to the design of novel polymer/lipid hybrid nanobubbles and nanodroplets, core-shell nanostructure filled with a gas or a liquid perfluorocarbon respectively. Dr. Roberta Cavalli played the role of Principal Investigator of a number of private and public multidisciplinary projects. She is the co-author of more than 170 full papers in peer-reviewed international journals with impact factor and more than 25 patents. Overall citations >5200, H index 40.

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ddl_ebm_celia_001 Celia Christian Department of Pharmacy University of Chieti Chieti Italy

Christian Celia, graduated in pharmacy in 2004 at the University of Catanzaro “Magna Græcia”. In 2008, graduated as Pharm.D., and residence in Hospital Pharmacy at the University of Catanzaro “Magna Græcia”. In 2012, Prof. Celia received his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Science. From 2012 to 2017, he remained Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutical Technology from the University of Chieti and Affiliated Scientist at Department of Nanomedicine, Houston Methodist Research Institute. Co-author of 61 papers, 1 proceeding paper edited in international peer-reviewed journals, and 2 Guest editorials in international peer-reviewed journals, 100 Abstract conferences and communications, 2 book chapters, 1 Italian patent, 1 poster Prize.

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ddl_ebm_Cerchiara_001 Cerchiara Teresa Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology University of Bologna Bologna Italy

Teresa Cerchiara is Assistant Professor at the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna. The scientific activity of Dr. Cerchiara focused on pharmaceutical formulation and delivery. Her major research interests can be summarized in the following general topics: Preparation and characterization of drug delivery systems based on micro/nanoparticles, liposomes, thin films obtained by alternative process methods for the delivery of drugs, health-promoting bacteria and natural molecules, Enhancement of solubility and dissolution of poorly soluble drugs, Development of new wound dressings based of natural fibers (Spanish broom, flax and hemp) to improve and accelerate wound healing.

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ddl_ebm_chirag-p_001 Chirag Patel Samsung Research Institute Bangalore Tyagi Pharmacy Association Patan India

Mr. Chirag Patel is working in a pharmaceutical company in Quality Assurance department. He has total 6 years of experience for development of Quality system in pharmaceutical company. He did his novel work by formulating phytosomes from herbal extract in his M. Pharma research work. Mr. Chirag Patel has published various Books, Research articles, Review articles and Short communications. His academic works include 88 Publications (9 Books were published in Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), Germany; 18 Research Articles, 56 Review Articles and 5 Short Communications were published in standard and reputed National and International Pharmacy Journals). He is an Editor -In- Chief as well as Manuscript Reviewer in Tyagi Pharmacy Association (TPA).

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ddl_ebm_cox_001 Cox Linda Clinical Biomedical Science Nova Southeastern University Lauderdale FL USA [email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ddl_ebm_dahan-a_001 Dahan Arik Department of Clinical Pharmacology and School of Pharmacy Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Beer Sheva Israel

Arik Dahan is an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and the School of Pharmacy, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer-Sheva, Israel. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan. Dr. Dahan received his Ph.D. (2007) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Michigan (2007-2010) with Professor Gordon Amidon. Dr. Dahan's research interest is the integration of up-to-date molecular/cellular mechanistic investigations of drug disposition in the context of the human body. He has published over 70 top-notch Journal papers.

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ddl_ebm_dai_001 Dai Weiguo Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development Pennsylvania PA USA

Dr. Weiguo Dai is a Scientific Director in Drug Product Development at Johnson & Johnson. He is the Janssen Fellow and the Fellow of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS). Dr. Dai’s research and innovation have focused on design and development of novel formulations, delivery technologies/devices, and processes. His technology innovations have directly led to the launch of commercial drug products, and resulted in 50 peer-reviewed journal research articles. Dr. Dai earned his PhD degree from The Johns Hopkins University, and has over 20 years of industrial work experience in biotech/pharmaceutical companies, including Amgen, and Johnson and Johnson.

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ddl_ebm_desai_001 Desai Tejal Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences UCSF Mission Bay Campus San Francisco CA USA

Prof. Desai directs the Therapeutic Microtechnology and Nanotechnology Laboratory at UC San Francisco and serves as Chair of the Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences. Her research focuses on micro and nanofabrication techniques to create new devices for drug and cell delivery as well as biomaterials for cell and tissue regeneration. She has authored over 200 peer reviewed articles. Her work developing innovative drug delivery devices has garnered several academic and industrial awards. She has mentored many post-docs and PhD students who have gone on to successful academic and industrial positions. Prof. Desai was elected to the National Academy of Medicine.

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ddl_ebm_dorkoosh-f_001 Dorkoosh Farid Faculty of Pharmacy Tehran University of Medical Sciences Tehran Iran

Dr. Dorkoosh received his PhD in pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics in 2000 from the Leiden University, the Netherlands. He followed an international training on intellectual property and management of innovation at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva, Switzerland in 2005. He also got his Diploma in the management from Chartered Management Institute of London, UK in 2009. He is currently a professor at Tehran University of Medical Sciences. He is also the head of Patent office of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Dr. Dorkoosh published more than 110 research articles and held 10 patents and patent applications.

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ddl_ebm_foged-c_001 Foged Camilla Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry University of Copenhagen Brønshøj Denmark

Camilla Foged is the leading research group named Vaccine Design and Delivery from Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She has an MSc in Biochemistry from the University of Copenhagen (1998), and she attained her PhD in Pharmaceutics in 2003 from The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences. In 2018, she was appointed as the Full Professor in vaccine design and delivery at the University of Copenhagen. Prof. Foged has published more than 90 research articles, reviews and book chapters.

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ddl_ebm_gabor-f_001 Gabor Franz Department of Pharmaceutical Technology & Biopharmaceutics University of Vienna Vienna Austria

Franz Gabor received his PhD from the University of Vienna for interdisciplinary work for development of monoclonal antibodies in cooperation with the general hospital Vienna and the Institute of Biochemistry. His work on targeted drug delivery for treatment of Ewing’s sarcoma was awarded by the “Herba-award” and followed by habilitation in pharmaceutical technology at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology & Biopharmaceutics in Vienna in 1998. Franz Gabor is author of more than 120 research articles and reviews, his research interests focus on lectin-mediated drug delivery for therapy of bladder diseases and drug delivery to the inner ear.

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ddl_ebm_gloria-a_001 Gloria Antonio Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials National Research Council of Italy Naples Italy

Prof. Antonio Gloria is a Researcher at the National Research Council of Italy and Professor at different universities. He isa Scientific Advisory Board Member of the FraunhoferInternational Joint LaboratoryIdeas –University of Naples “Federico II”. He is a Member of the European Society for Biomaterials, the ACS and a Full Member of the ANS. He was awarded and appointed as “Future Leader” in Science and Technology (“Dialogue between Nobel Laureates and Future Leaders,” STS Forum, October 2015, Kyoto, Japan). His main research interests include Additive Manufacturing, Reverse Engineering, Design, Modeling and Simulation, Materials Science and Technology, Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering.

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ddl_ebm_gupta_001 Gupta Bhuvanesh Department of Textile Technology Indian Institute of Technology Delhi New Delhi India

Dr. Bhuvanesh Gupta is the Professor of Polymers at Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi and is the President of three international bodies; Asian Polymer Association, Society of Biomaterials Artificial Organs India (Delhi), and Indo-Italian Forum on Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering. Dr. Gupta did his PhD from IIT Delhi and spent a couple of years as post-doc in Paris. Subsequently, Dr. Gupta worked for eight years in France, Sweden and Switzerland under different capacities in several laboratories. Dr. Gupta initiated research career in the field of polymer functionalisation, biomaterials and tissue engineering and worked in collaboration with University of Uppsala, Sweden and INSERM Paris, France.

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ddl_ebm_hosseinkhani_001 Hosseinkhani Hossein Innovation Center for Advanced Technology Matrix, Inc. New York city, NY USA

Dr. Hosseinkhani has broad experience in the area of life sciences and is an expert in nanotechnology, biomaterials, drug delivery, 3D in vitro systems, bioreactor technology, and bioengineering stem cells technology. His working experience is mainly attributed to academia and industry of biomedical engineering research and development (which includes several years of basic science research experience in a number of premier institutions related to the structure and function of biomaterials, and in polymer-based and mineral-based medical implants development in the medical device industry).

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ddl_ebm_jain-sh_001 Jain Akhlesh K. Department of Pharmacy Guru Ghasidas University Bilaspur India

Dr. Akhlesh K. Jain is currently working as an Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guru Ghasidas Central University, Bilaspur, India. He received his PhD degree in Formulation Science from Jamia Hamdard University, India (20007) and Postdoctoral training at Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland and National University of Singapore, Singapore (2008-2011). He also worked as Senior Scientist at Central Drug ResearchInstitute, Lucknow India. He is the recipient of many reputed fellowships including Junior Research Fellowship and CSIR- SRF for research. His research focused on Nanoparticles, Nanocarriers based delivery systems, Mucosal vaccination, Non invasive protein delivery and Ligand conjugated colloidal carriers for cancer therapy. Dr. Jain has authored more than 30 scientific publications in peer reviewed journals along with an international Patent.

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ddl_ebm_khutoryanskiy_001 Khutoryanskiy Vitaliy V. Department of Pharmacy University of Reading Berkshire UK

Vitaliy Khutoryanskiy is Professor of Formulation Science (since 2014), having previously been Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Materials (2010-2014) and Lecturer in Pharmaceutics (2005-2010) at the University of Reading, UK. Prof Khutoryanskiy has researched broadly in the area of materials for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications, with a particular emphasis on drug delivery, mucoadhesive materials, hydrogels, and stimuli-responsive polymers. He has published over 120 original research articles, 14 reviews, and edited 2 books.

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ddl_ebm_kulkarni_001 Kulkarni Raghavendra Department of Pharmaceutical Technology BLDE University Campus Karnataka India

Dr. R. V. Kulkarni obtained his Ph.D degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. Presently he is working as Professor and Vice-Principal at BLDEA’s SSM College of Pharmacy & Research Centre, BLDE University campus, Vijayapur, India. His area of research comprises novel drug delivery systems including hydrogel based oral and transdermal drug delivery systems. He published more than 80 papers in reputed journals and filed one patent. He is a recipient of “Award for Best Research Paper” from Government of Karnataka, India. He is an editorial board member of various journals including Bentham Science Journal “Drug Delivery Letters” and “BLDE University Journal of Health Sciences”.

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ddl_ebm_kuo-yc_001 Kuo Yung-Chih Department of Chemical Engineering National Chung Cheng University Chia-Yi Taiwan

Dr. Yung-Chih Kuo is a professor at National Chung Cheng University. His research interests are focused on biomaterials, nanomedicine, tissue engineering, blood–brain barrier, cancer therapy, nerve regeneration, spinal cord injury and stroke treatment, and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease therapy. He has authored over 140 SCI journal papers. He is a fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) and an honor member of Phi Tau Phi Society. He won Best Paper Award in 2016 and 2008, Prof. Tsai-Teh Lai Award in 2015, Special and Talented Scholar Award in 2013-5, Outstanding Research Award in 2013, and Young Scholar Award in 2003.

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ddl_ebm_lamprecht-a_001 Lamprecht Alf Pharmazeutisches Institut der Universität Bonn Bonn Germany

Dr. Lamprecht is currently Professor for Pharmaceutics at the University of Bonn (Germany). He received his Ph.D from Saarland University (Germany) and after postdoctoral fellowships in France and Japan, he was previously appointed at the Universities of Nancy and Besancon (France). From 2007 to 2012 he was external expert at the French Health Products Safety Agency and is currently serving in the scientific advisory board of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices in Germany. He has published more than 150 research articles and received several awards. He is an Alexander-von-Humboldt Fellow and was nominated as member of “Institut Universitaire de France” in 2007.

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ddl_ebm_Lane_001 Lane MajellaE. Department of Pharmaceutics University of London London UK

Dr. Lane obtained a doctorate (Ph.D.) in Pharmaceutical Science from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. Dr. Lane also holds qualifications in statistics and project management. Currently Dr. Lane is a Senior Lecturer and Director of the Skin and Buccal Research Centre at the UCL School of Pharmacy. She has published more than 130 scientific publications and is the Chairperson of Skin Forum, a multidisciplinary network of scientists with a common interest in skin. Dr. Lane is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Cosmetic Science and serves on the editorial boards of Current Drug Delivery, published by Bentham Science Publishers, Cosmetics, the International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Journal of Biophysical Chemistry, Journal of Drug Targeting, Journal of Microencapsulation, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Phytotherapy Research.

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Mao Chuanbin Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry University of Oklahoma Oklahoma OK USA [email protected] [email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ddl_ebm_nk-Mehra-sh_001 Mehra Neelesh K. National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER) Balanagar India

Dr. Neelesh Kumar Mehra is working as an Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics at NIPER, Hyderabad, INDIA. Before joining, Dr. Mehra worked as Manager in Sentiss Pharma Pvt. Ltd, Gurgaon, NIPER, Hyderabad. Dr. Mehra completed his PostDoc from Texas A&M health science Centre, Kingsville, TX, USA. He has more than 50 international peer-reviewed publications, 07 international book chapters. He received numerous outstanding awards including the “TEAM Award” Yung Scientist Award and various outstanding Awards. He presented his research work in India as well as abroad including France, and USA. His area of research interest is in Drug delivery, Multifunctional Nanomaterials, Ophthalmic, and injectable formulations.

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ddl_ebm_mishra_001 Mishra Dinesh K. School of Pharmacy & Technology Management Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) Shirpur India

Dr. Mishra is working as a Professor & Principal at Indore Institute of Pharmacy, Indore (M.P.) India. He obtained his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dr. H. S. Gour University, Sagar (M.P.) India. He is also a member of a number of pharmaceutical associations and scientific societies. He is also an editorial board member and reviewer of many reputed International and National journals. Dr. Mishra is a recipient of prestigious Prof. G. P. Talwar Young Scientist Award & INSA Visiting Fellow. He has published more than 75 papers in peer-reviewed journals with over 3000 citations. His research interests are in the areas of novel drug delivery systems especially liposomes, ethosomes, transfersomes, solid lipid nanoparticles, transdermal drug delivery, microneedles, vaccines, product development etc.

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Mohammed Afzal R. School of Life and Health Sciences Aston University Birmingham UK [email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ddl_ebm_moustafine-ri_001 Moustafine Rouslan I. Department of Pharmaceutical, Analytical and Toxicological Chemistry Kazan State Medical University Kazan Russian Federation

Dr. Rouslan I. Moustafine is Associate Professor of Pharmacy at Kazan State Medical University (KSMU) Tatarstan, Russian Federation. He is the Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical, Analytical and Toxicological Chemistry since 2003, the Dean of Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences since 2009 and the member of the academic senate of KSMU. He earned his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Technology from I.Sechenov’s Moscow State Medical Academy in 1991. His area of specialization is the development of interpolyelectrolyte complexes (IPEC) with Eudragits® and other pharmaceutical polymers. Dr. Moustafine has published over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, reviews and two book chapters in the fields of dissolution testing of oral drug delivery systems.

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ddl_ebm_mozafari_001 Mozafari Masoud Materials and Energy Reseach Center (MERC) Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS) Tehran Iran

Dr. Masoud Mozafari earned his Ph. D. degree with honors in Biomedical Engineering-Biomaterials from Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), 2013. He then joined Oklahoma State University and Pennsylvania State University as a research associate and research visiting scholar. He has published extensively in the area of biomedical engineering, and as of July 2017, he has been cited more than 1800 times and has an h-index of 24. He has received several awards including “Top 10 National Outstanding Scientific Authors” (2012). He is currently an assistant professor and head of “Bioengineering Research Group” in Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Department, Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC).

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ddl_ebm_nagarsenker_001 Nagarsenker Mangal S. Department of Pharmaceutics University of Mumbai Mumbai India

Dr. Mangal S. Nagarsenker, currently Professor and Head, Dept. of Pharmaceutics, Bombay College of Pharmacy, Mumbai, has 34 years of research experience in design and formulation of nanosystems and controlled release systems for oral, parenteral, topical, pulmonary and ophthalmic routes and gene delivery. A gold medallist in graduate pharmacy school, she further pursued her PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Mumbai University. She has reviewed several articles in different national and international journals, is a member of the editorial board of Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and has authored around 100 research articles (national and international), 6 review articles, 3 book chapters and 2 books. Her research group has more than 100 research papers presented at various national and international conferences to her credit and has been granted 2 Indian patents and 3 trademarks.

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ddl_ebm_nayak-ak_001 Nayak Amit K. Department of Pharmaceutics Seemanta Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Odisha India

Dr. Amit Kumar Nayak, PhD., is currently working as Associate Professor at Seemanta Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Odisha, India. Dr. Nayak’s skills and expertise involve in the field of pharmaceutics, especially in the development and characterization of polymeric composites, hydrogels, novel and nanostructured drug delivery systems. Till date, he has authored over 120 publications in various high impact peer-reviewed journals and 34 book chapters to his credit. He has also edited 2 books. He is a life member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI).

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ddl_ebm_pignatello_001 Pignatello Rosario Department of Drug Sciences University of Catania Catania Italy

Rosario Pignatello is Full Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation at the University of Catania, Italy. He is member of the Scientific Committee of the Inter-University Consortium TEFACO Innova (Parma, Italy).

He has nearly 30 years of experience in the research and development of innovative formulations for the controlled release and targeting of bioactive molecules, through chemical approaches as well as colloidal (nano) drug carriers, aimed to treat different disorders. In particular, Prof. Pignatello works actively in the field of ocular drug delivery, leading the scientific committee of the Research Centre for Ocular Nanotechnology in Catania (NANO-i).

Prof. Pignatello has authored about 135 papers and edited a series of textbooks on biomaterials and their application in medicine (InTech Publisher).

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ddl_ebm_Prow-tarl_001 Prow Tarl W. Faculty of Medicine University of Queensland Brisbane Queensland Australia

Professor Tarl W. Prow has a drug delivery leadership profile that is supported (since 2016) by research income >$14.5M, 35 peer-reviewed translational research publications (>140 total), six patent families and named on 19 Human Ethics Committee approvals. Professor Prow’s clinical research focus is reflected in all 23 grants and 28/35 publications, since 2016. Professor Prow’s leadership in drug delivery is evidenced by $7.5M in translational research funding (lead investigator in 11/18 projects). Professor Prow is an invited member of the Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (5-year impact factor 15.5) editorial board, supporting his role as a global thought leader in drug delivery. Professor Prow has a successful commercialisation track record, e.g. skin microbiopsy intellectual property, 2018 USPTO granted, is being commercialised by Trajan Sci & Med, Melbourne, AUS. Professor Prow is a named inventor of topical drug delivery technology currently licensed to Vaxxas, a $55 M start-up company.

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ddl_ebm_Puthli_001 Puthli Shivanand P. Tris Pharma Inc. New Jersey NJ USA

Dr. Shivanand P. Puthli earned his Ph.D. from the University of Mumbai, India and a Post-doctorate from Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Japan. He has published and presented several original research papers, articles and abstracts in peer reviewed journals and conferences. He has conceptualized innovative drug delivery platform technologies and is an inventor in number of patents. He is an invited speaker at international scientific meetings and conferences. He serves as a reviewer for more than 30 scientific international journals and is on the Editorial/Advisory board of various journals.

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ddl_ebm_ramapuram-j-b_001 Ramapuram Jayachandra B. Department of Drug Discovery and Development Auburn University Auburn AL USA

Dr. Jayachandra Babu Ramapuram is a Professor at the Department of Drug Discovery and Development, Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn University. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from the University of Madras and Masters and PhD degrees in Pharmaceutics from Indian Institute of Technology, Varanasi, India. His research interests include formulation development of nanoparticle based formulations for topical and oral delivery, solubility improvement of insoluble drugs, percutaneous penetration enhancement techniques, transdermal drug delivery systems. He has authored and co-authored 75 peer reviewed papers and 8 book chapters, and presented his research work in 80 poster and oral presentations in the several national and international conferences. He has served as a chair and co-chair of scientific sessions at the Annual National Meetings of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and Society of Toxicology. He serves as an editorial board member for five journals and as a peer reviewer for more than 40 journals.

[email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
ddl_ebm_richardson-rd_001 Richardson Des R. Department of Pathology University of Sydney Sydney Australia

Professor Des Richardson holds the Chair of Cancer Cell Biology at the University of Sydney, Australia, and is a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia Senior Principal Research Fellow. He has published more than 405 articles, reviews, patents, chapters etc., over his career with more than 93% as first, senior or corresponding author (H-index: 79; more than 23,735 citations over entire career; with more than 14,806 citations over the past 5 years and H-index: 57 over past 5 years: Google Scholar Accessed 29 Nov, 2017). He is Executive Editor of BBA-General Subjects and has served on the Editorial Boards of more than 40 international journals, including J. Biol. Chem., Antioxidants Redox Signaling, Biochem. J., BBA-Mol Cell Res, Mol. Pharmacol., Pharmacol. Res., etc.

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ddl_ebm_saleem-i_001 Saleem Imran School of Pharmacy & Biomolecular Sciences Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool UK

Dr. Imran Saleem is a Reader in Nanomedicne within the School of Pharmacy & Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. He has been working in and has published numerous papers in the area of pulmonary drug delivery since 2006. His research is aimed at developing novel delivery systems for targeting therapeutic agents to their site of action, with particular emphasis on lung diseases via dry powder pulmonary delivery. He has over 10 years’ experience in the area of nanoparticle formulation and drug delivery systems, and has published extensively (80+) in peer-reviewed journals, conference abstracts and book chapters.

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ddl_ebm_santos_001 Santos Helder A. Faculty of Pharmacy University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland

Dr. Santos obtained a doctorate (D.Sc.) in Chemical Engineering from the Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland. Currently Dr. Santos is an Adjunct Professor in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He has published more than 150 scientific publications. Dr. Santos serves as Editor and is in the Editorial Board of several international journals.

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ddl_ebm_sarmento_001 Sarmento Bruno Department of Pharmaceutical Technology University of Porto Porto Portugal

Dr. Bruno Sarmento graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Porto in 2002 and completed PhD in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology from at the same university in 2007, in collaboration with Queen’s University (CA), University of Copenhagen (DK) and University of Santiago de Compostela (ES). From 2007 to 2012 he held a Post-Doc position at the University of Porto, in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen, investigating insulin intestinal absorption mechanisms using in vitro models. In 2008, he was appointed as the assistant professor at IUCS. He was appointed as assistant researcher at the Institute of Innovation and Research in Health/Institute of Biomedical Engineering (i3S/INEB) in 2016.

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Smith Alan M. Department of Pharmaceutics University of Huddersfield Huddersfield UK [email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ddl_ebm_Smyth_001 Smyth Hugh D.C. College of Pharmacy The University of Texas Texas TX USA

Hugh D. C. Smyth is the Hamm Endowed Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics with Tenure, College of Pharmacy. The University of Texas at Austin. He is also an Adjunct Associate Scientist at the Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico and Chief Scientist at Respira Therapeutics. He has been a faculty member at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and at the University of New Mexico. He won the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) New Investigator award winner for Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technologies in 2007.

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ddl_ebm_sosnik_001 Sosnik Alejandro Department of Materials Science and Engineering Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Haifa Israel

Prof. Alejandro Sosnik received his Pharmacy degree from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the University of Buenos Aires in 1994. He served for as junior research scholar at the University of Buenos Aires in the field of organic chemistry (1993-5). In 2003-6, Prof. Sosnik spent a postdoctoral in the laboratory of Professor Michael Sefton (Institute of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry/Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada) working in the development of hybrid matrices for cell culture and tissue engineering. Between 2006 and 2013, Prof. Sosnik served as Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (University of Buenos Aires) and Investigator of the National Science Research Council of Argentina.

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ddl_ebm_tosi-g_001 Tosi Giovanni Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Modena Italy

Dr. Giovanni Tosi is working as a researcher in the scientific field of Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia from 2005. Since 2015, he also served as associate professor in the same field. He obtained PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2005 from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. He is now the Coordinator of "Applied Technology" curricula for the PhD school in Health Products, member of Instruments Commission of Dep. Pharm. Sci., Contact Person ILO of Dep. Pharm. Sci, Research products, Representative of the Dep. Pharm. Sci. in the Central Board of Animal House of University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. He is the author or co-author of more than 90 publications in international journals (of which 5 are reviews and 3 are book chapters) and gave over 200 presentations (invited speaker, oral presentations and posters) in international and national congresses.

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ddl_ebm_uchegbu-if_001 Uchegbu Ijeoma F. The UCL School of Pharmacy University of London London UK

Dr. Ijeoma Uchegbu is a Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanoscience at the UCL School of Pharmacy, University College London (UCL), UCL’s Pro-Vice Provost for Africa and The Middle East and Chief Scientific Officer of Nanomerics Ltd. Nanomerics is a UCL spin out company, which was founded by Ijeoma and Andreas G. Schätzlein. She has been awarded various prizes for her work, notably the UK Department for Business Innovation Skills’ Women of Outstanding Achievement in Science Engineering and Technology award, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s Pharmaceutical Scientist of the Year 2012 and the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences Innovative Science Award 2016. She is the editor of three books, a named inventor on 11 granted patents and has authored over 120 peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters.

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Vinardell Pilar M. Directora Dep. Fisiologia Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona Spain [email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ddl_ebm_wei-w-sh_001 Wei Wu School of Pharmacy Fudan University Shanghai China [email protected]

Dr. Wu received a Ph.D. in 1999 from the School of Pharmacy, West China University of Medical Sciences. In 2000, he joined the School of Pharmacy, Fudan University and now holds a full professor position in the department of pharmaceutics. He was a vice dean of the School of Pharmacy. He was awarded a few honorary titles, such as New Century Excellent Teachers of Ministry of Education, Shanghai Excellent Discipline Leaders, Shanghai Twilight Scholar, and Shanghai Excellent Young Teachers of Universities. He is now an expert in drug evaluation of CDE, drug pricing of NDRC, and veterinary medicines of the Ministry of Agriculture. He is currently appointed as an associate editor of Acta Pharm Sin B, Chin Chem Lett, and J Biomed Nanotech, and serves on the editorial board of journals including AAPS PharmSciTech, Arch Pharm Res, Asian J Pharm Sci, Curr Drug Deliv, etc. His research interests include the biological fate of drug carrier systems, oral nanoparticulate drug delivery systems, novel dosage forms, and novel pharmaceutical technology. He has published a number of peer-reviewed articles in the field of pharmaceutics and nanomedicine.

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ddl_ebm_wong-tw_001 Wu Wong T. Non-Destructive Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Centre Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam Malaysia

Professor Dr Wong Tin Wui is presently the lecturer and researcher at the Non-Destructive Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Centre, iPROMISE, UniversitiTeknologi MARA. His research areas are primarily focused on particle/scaffold design for oral, transdermal and pulmonary drug delivery, development of novel non-destructive pharmaceutical analyzers, as well as, design of pharmaceutical processors for innovative dosage form manufacture.

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ddl_ebm_yallapu-mm_001 Yallapu Murali M. Department of Immunology and Microbiology University of Texas Rio Grande Valley McAllen TX USA

Dr. Yallapu (Ph.D.) is an Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, USA. Dr. Yallapu is a Gold Medalist, NIH-Career Awardee, and Young Investigator in Nanotechnology. He has published more than 105 scientific publications/reviews/book chapters and his work has been presented in more than 70 abstracts/posters/podium in scientific meetings. He is a named inventor of a U.S patent. His work has been cited more than 6000 times in scientific literature with an h-index 40 and i10-index 77.

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ddl_ebm_young-pm_001 Young Paul M. Faculty of Medicine and Health University of Sydney Sydney Australia

Dr. Paul Young holds the Chair of Commercialisation in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney, Australia and is Deputy Executive Director & Professor of Respiratory Technology at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research. He has made a significant contribution in the field of inhalation science and has published 200 peer reviewed articles in international journal, 5 patents, 15 book chapters and in excess of 100 conference proceedings. He is a Chartered Chemist of the Australian Royal Society of Chemistry. He collaborates with both academia and industry on an international level and has attracted more than AUD 18 million dollars in funding within the area of inhalation medicine.

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ddl_ebm_yuksel_001 Yuksel Nilufer Faculty of Pharmacy Ankara University Ankara Turkey

Dr. Yuksel obtained a doctorate (Ph. D.) in Pharmaceutical Technology from Faculty of Pharmacy, Ankara University, Turkey. She worked as a postdoc fellow in Industrial Pharmacy Program in the University of Cincinnati Faculty of Pharmacy for one year. Currently, Dr. Yuksel is a Professor at the Departmant of Pharmaceutical Technology in Ankara University Faculty of Pharmacy. She has about 45 scientific articles. She is editorial board member of the journals named “Current Drug Delivery” and “The Scientific World Journal”. She also serves as a member of the advisory committee for generic drug products in Turkey Drug and Medicinal Device Agency.

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ddl_ebm_zhang_001 Zhang Hongwei School of Pharmacy MCPHS University Boston MA USA

Dr. Hongwei Zhang is Assistant Professor at the School of Pharmacy - Boston, MCPHS University. Dr. Zhang obtained his Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutics from Sichuan University and received postdoctoral training in the Gene Therapy Center at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Dr. Zhang is an internationally recognized expert in nanomedicine and gene transfer. He has received multiple awards, including the Innovation in Biotechnology Award from American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and the Postdoctoral Fellowship Award from the American Heart Association. Dr. Zhang has authored nearly 50 manuscripts and 3 patents.

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Associate Editorial Board Members ddl_ebm_bakshi-is_001 Bakshi Inderbir S. Department of Pharmaceutics Chitkara University Patiala India

Dr. Inderbir Singh Bakshi is working as Professor and HOD at Chitkara College of Pharmacy, Chitkara University, Patiala, Punjab, India. His research interests includes NDDS, gastroretentive drug delivery systems, biopolymers/biomaterials/modified polymers in drug delivery, QbD, SeDeM expert system, 3D printing technology. He has three books, seven book chapters and six patents (applied) to his credit. He has published more than 65 papers in peered review journals. He has guided 35 M Pharmacy and 8 PhD students. He is a visiting researcher to the prestigious WITS Advanced Drug Delivery Platform, Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

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Deniz Nahide G. Department of Chemistry Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Istanbul Turkey Orcid Scopus RsearcherId ddl_ebm_gupta-m_001 Gupta Madhu Department of Pharmaceutics Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University New Delhi India

Dr. Madhu Gupta has obtained PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Central University, Sagar. She worked as Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutics division, Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University, New Delhi, India. Her research area is basically focused on Pharmaceutical nanotechnology and targeted drug delivery. She has interest to exploit Nano formulations for magical molecule delivery, bio ligands for targeting of bioactive and drug moiety, biopolymers, cancer Nano medicine as well as topical delivery.She has received awards and honors such as a role of guest editor in Current drug metabolism journal, Best poster presentation award of research work and Best oral presentation award of M.P. council of Science and Technology funded project.

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ddl_ebm_kalhapure-rs_001 Kalhapure Rahul S. School of Pharmacy The University of Texas at El Paso El Paso TX USA

Dr. Rahul Kalhapure earned his PhD from Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India. His research area is development of performance efficient nano drug delivery systems and novel biocompatible materials (heterolipids, surfactants, polymers and dendrimers) as drug delivery system stabilizers, solubility enhancers, carriers for drugs, pH-responsive materials, transdermal and buccal permeation enhancers. He has published more than 45 papers in peer reviewed journals and presented his research in several international conferences. He is also an Honorary Researcher at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. He also continues to be a reviewer for several leading international peer-reviewed journals.

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ddl_ebm_mokhtary-m_001 Mokhtary Masoud Department of Chemistry Islamic Azad University Rasht Iran

Dr. Masoud Mokhtary was born in 1979 in Iran and received his BSc degree in Pure Chemistry in 2002 from Guilan University, Iran. He then moved to Mazandaran University, where he received his MSc and PhD in Organic Chemistry in 2005 and Organic-Polymer Chemistry in 2009 respectively, under the supervision of Prof. M. M. Lakouraj. His research concerns hydrogel synthesis and characterization, application of hydrogel for drug delivery, catalysts & reagents immobilized on polymer and magnetic nanoparticles for organic transformations, polymer nanocomposites characterization, and methodologies in organic synthesis.

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ddl_ebm_palma-sd_001 Palma Santiago D. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences National University of Córdoba Córdoba Argentina

Dr. Professor Palma was trained in pharmacy and teaches Pharmaceutical Technology and Community Pharmacy at the Faculty of Chemical Sciences, Córdoba National University, Argentina. Since 2005, Professor Palma is a Scientist Researcher at National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET). His research activity has resulted in the publication of over 100 original refereed scientific articles and more than 200 contributions at conferences. Currently, his research interest is directed towards the conception of new pharmaceutical platforms for drug delivery and nanomedicine.

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ddl_ebm_raza-k_001 Raza Kaisar Department of Pharmacy Central University of Rajasthan Ajmer India

Dr. Kaisar Raza graduated in Pharmacy from the University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. From the same Institute, he earned his Master's and Doctoral degrees. Presently, he is serving the Central University of Rajasthan in the Department of Pharmacy. His main areas of interest are drug delivery, nanocarriers, topical products, brain delivery, quality-by-design and pharmacokinetics. He has around 65 publications, one patent and more than 10 book chapters to his credit.

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ddl_ebm_chandra-my_001 Sekharappa Mayur Y.C. School of Pharmacy & Technology Management (SPPSPTM) Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) Mumbai India

Dr. Sekharappa has about 23 years of experience in Academic and 2 years in Industry. He completed his Postdoc from VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 2006 to 2007 and Visiting Scientist 2015-2016 for a year. He was awarded CSIR-SRF, BOYSCAST Fellowship, DST Young Scientist, DHR Foreign Fellowship by the Government of India. He Filed 2 patents and published more than 40 publications in International reputed journals. He is an invited speaker all over the world to speak about Drug Resistance in cancer cells. Recently, he has been appointed as a Visiting Scientist from 2015 to 2016 to VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. His area of Research is reversing drug resistance in cancer cells using various methods.

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ddl_ebm_sharma-r_001 Sharma Rohit Department of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana (Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics) Banaras Hindu University Varanasi India

Dr. Rohit Sharma is a Research officer (Ayu.), Central Ayurveda Research Institute for Drug Development, CCRAS, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, Kolkata. He did his post-graduation and doctorate from the Institute for Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. He is recipient of several academic awards and honors. Dr. Sharma has more than 100 International research publications, one book and few book chapters to his credit. Dr. Sharma is working on various aspects of herbal/herbo-mineral drug research, drug development, pharmacovigilance and engaged in various clinical research trials.

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ddl_ebm_swain-s_001 Swain Suryakanta Amity Institute of Pharmacy Amity University Kolkata India

Dr. Suryakanta Swain completed his Ph.D in Pharmacy from Berhampur University in the year 2013. He worked as an Asst. Professor in Roland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, from 2008 to 2015 and he has promoted to Associate Professor-cum-HoD, Southern Institute of Medical Sciences, from 2015 till date. So far he has published 71 articles with 21.46 RG Score, 600 Google Scholar citations (H-index=13 and i10-index=16) and 355 Scopus Citations (H-index=11). He has edited 1 book, published 5 books & 13 book chapters. He has published two Indian Patents. He is permanent Editorial and reviewer board member in 54 journals.

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ddl_ebm_yadav-ks-ah_001 Yadav Khushwant S. SPP School of Pharmacy & Technology Management SVKM’s NMIMS Mumbai India

Dr. Khushwant Yadav has earned Ph.D. in Pharmacy from The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda and postdoctoral studies form Oklahoma University (OUHSC), USA. He is presently Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics at SVKM’s NMIMS Deemed to be University, Mumbai. With an experience of over 15 years in Industrial/ Academic research was associated as Research Scientist in Claris Lifesciences, Ahmedabad and Alembic Ltd., Vadodara. He has done collaborative research with National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH), ICMR Lab, Mumbai; Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS), DRDO Lab, Delhi. Dr. Yadav has completed projects with AICTE-RPS and is currently doing collaborative project with industries like ACG worldwide/Scitech. His publications have been listed in Hottest Articles by Elsevier, Most-Read Article by Parenteral Drug Association, USA, the Most Viewed.

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Executive Guest Editors ddl_ebm_Duskey-sh_001 Duskey Jason T. Department of Life Sciences University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Emilia-Romagna Italy

Dr Jason Thomas Duskey earned his B.S in both Chemistry and Biology. He did Ph.D in 2013 from the University of Iowa under Dr Kevin Rice to research Somatostatin targeted polyplexes for gene delivery . He then transferred abroad to Basel Switzerland as a post-doctoral researcher expanding his expertise to polymer-based nanoparticles for the delivery of biological actives. In 2016, he was offered another research role at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, and has remained there studying targeted nanomedicine delivery systems for brain targeting and the treatment of diseases including brain cancer, lysosomal storage diseases, and Alzheimer’s. He is the recipient of numerous awards and independent research grants and has been well published and cited in the field and playing a leading role in numerous grants and collaborations spanning 5 languages and more than 8 countries.

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ddl_ebm_Hum_001 Hum Yan C. Department of Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Kajang Malaysia [email protected] Orcid Scopus RsearcherId
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