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Stress Management Among Women Police Officers With Special Reference to Kannur District

Author(s): Vigi V. Nair* and Madhusoodanan Kartha N.V.

Pp: 70-85 (16)

DOI: 10.2174/9789815238365124010009

* (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Law enforcement is a profession with a few unusual traits that can cause stress, and policing is one of the maximum demanding and stressful jobs amongst them. The police employees are the few experts wherein people are expected to stand risks and, if necessary, to treat their lives in addition facing high stress in lots of different aspects. Police personnel go through tremendous occupational physical and mental stress. Women law enforcement officials are steadily growing in numbers within the country and they're believed to revel in greater stress than their male counterparts and additionally operating in regulation enforcement. Studies have shown that working hours, education, age and the relationship among co-workers and supervisors have been the aspects that led them to experience stress. Stress affects the overall performance of men or women in this sector. The study deals with the analysis of stress management among women police officers with special reference to Kannur District.

Keywords: Stress, Stress management, Women police officers.

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