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Recent Patents on Computer Science


ISSN (Print): 2213-2759
ISSN (Online): 1874-4796

General Research Article

Speed of Things (SoT): Evolution of Isolation-to-Intermingle (I2I) Technology Transition Towards IoT

Author(s): Ravishanker, Ashish K. Luhach*, Sykam V.N. Kumar and Ramesh C. Poonia

Volume 12, Issue 4, 2019

Page: [354 - 360] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/2213275911666181010114221

Price: $65

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Background: In today’s world it is highly difficult to manage the smart things and fulfill the communication needs without the Internet as it provides ultimate means for human to human (H2H) communication. The ‘things’ could be entities or devices that contribute for the communication. But to enhance and improve such smart communication among the things that involves nonhuman intervention, there is a need to add few more smart capabilities to the Internet. As the world of Internet is on its way of transformation into a new smart world called ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) where the things should possess the ability of sensing, communication and control to let the things exchange information without complete intervention of humans to provide advanced and qualitative services, which is possible with the help of protocols.

Objective: This paper discusses how the transition could be started and being progressed in wired and wireless systems, and how it changes the traditional means of communication among different devices and humans into a smart way.

Methods: Transition here refers to how isolated things are being intermingled with each other to generate a smart protocol communication.

Results and Conclusion: The aim of such transition is to improve the efficiency, flexibility, adaptability and interoperability. This paper also explores various factors that contribute to IoT.

Keywords: Transition, IoT, sensing, traditional communication, connectivity, interoperability.

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