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Current Pharmaceutical Design


ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

Review Article

Past and Future of Ga-citrate for Infection and Inflammation Imaging

Author(s): Mariza Vorster, John Buscombe*, Ziauddin Saad and Mike Sathekge

Volume 24, Issue 7, 2018

Page: [787 - 794] Pages: 8

DOI: 10.2174/1381612824666171129200611

Price: $65


Both 67Ga and 68Ga-citrates are used to detect a wide spectrum of pathology consisting of various inflammatory, infectious and malignant conditions. Considering the now widespread availability and constantly increasing demand for PET/CT studies,68Ga-citrate is gaining ground in clinical settings and the added value of combined metabolic and anatomical imaging achieved by combining PET with Computed Tomography (CT) to PET/CT makes 68Ga-citrate particularly promising. Despite the tracer's non-specificity, it has demonstrated potential especially in the evaluation of various infectious and inflammatory skeletal- and lung conditions.

In this review, we will focus on the indications and lessons learned from 67Ga, and present the current status for the use of 68Ga-citrate PET/CT in selected inflammation and infectious diseases based on the limited literature available.

Keywords: Gallium, infection, inflammation, malignant conditions, 68Ga-citrate, Computed Tomography (CT).

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