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Recent Patents on Regenerative Medicine


ISSN (Print): 2210-2965
ISSN (Online): 2210-2973

Stem Cell Therapies

Author(s): Ana L. Muñoz, Víctor M. Galvez and María V. Camarasa

Volume 5, Issue 2, 2015

Page: [145 - 151] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/221029650502160307163134

Price: $65

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Stem cells have the ability to self-replicate in vitro indefinitely under adequate conditions and provided that pluripotent signals are triggered exogenously. Moreover, they are able to differentiate into virtually all human cell types. This vast potential makes stem cells a powerful tool to be used in regenerative medicine and different therapeutic strategies as well as in clinical and basic research, contributing to the generation of novel therapeutic avenues to treat innumerable pathological disorders that today have no known cure. Despite increased disclosures at a high speed pace in terms of benefits, applicability and relevance of stem cell based therapies; more studies in humans are needed to advance in the establishment of safe and effective cell-based treatments. In this review we compile an overview of the latest reports and patents on stem cell accomplishments for the treatment of diseases and injuries from Patent databases as The European Patent Office, WIPO, Fresh patents and Freepatents online, as well as Pubmed references, regarding stem cell therapy. Nevertheless, the vast majority of these promising results have been established in animal models, suggesting that stem cells research must go on prior to transferring therapeutic protocols to the human being although it has much to offer to improve life quality and eliminate disability.

Keywords: Cell therapies, engraftment, IPSCs, microvesicles delivered from embryonic stem cells, proliferation stimulating antibodies, stem cell size.

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