Title:Old and New Drugs for Treatment of Stable Angina: New Anti-Anginal Drugs and Coronary Revascularization
Volume: 13
Issue: 1
Author(s): Gioel Gabrio Secco, Rosario Parisi, Francesca Mirabella, Andrea Rognoni, Alessandro Lupi, Giuseppe De Luca, Paolo Nicola Marino, Rossella Fattori, Alberto Cremonesi and Fausto Castriota
Acute coronary syndrome, coronary revascularization, new anti-anginal drugs, percutaneous coronary intervention,
stable angina, unstable angina.
Abstract: Since the first human catheterization performed by Forssman in 1929 angioplasty
equipment and medical therapies have undergone considerable evolution and technical improvement
allowing interventionalists to perform more complex procedures and solving most of the
percutaneous limitations. While percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has dramatically changed
the outcome in the Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) setting, its role in the treatment of chronic
stable angina is still debated. Stable coronary artery disease (SCAD) is a major public health issue and its prevalence is
still increasing in the industrialized world. The correct treatment sees a multi-strategy approach aimed to a relief of
symptoms, prevention of future cardiac events and survival improvement. In so forth, treatment strategies include optimal
medical therapy (OMT) alone or combined with percutaneous or surgical coronary revascularization. Despite this, angina
remains poorly controlled in the vast majority of CAD patients. Traditional agents such Beta-blockers or Calcium channel
blockers or short and long acting nitrates have been used as first-line anti-anginal therapy for several years. Nowadays
newer and more effective drugs usually used on top of older medical treatment have become available.