Title:Monoclonal Antibodies: A Target Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis
Volume: 13
Issue: 2
Author(s): Lorena Lorefice, Giuseppe Fenu, Jessica Frau, Giancarlo Coghe and Maria Giovanna Marrosu
Clinical trials, efficacy, monoclonal antibodies, multiple sclerosis, safety, selective treatment.
Abstract: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. It is characterized by a
proinflammatory and neurodegenerative process that results in neuroaxonal damage. Over the last two decades, a wide
range of immunomodulatory and immunosuppressive treatments have been used for the management of MS. Several
treatments have been developed or are under evaluation for reducing relapses, disease progression and long-term MSrelated
disability. Recently, a growing interest has emerged for therapeutics with very selective actions, particularly
monoclonal antibodies, to target several biological pathways involved in MS. To date, only Natalizumab (Tysabri®) has
been approved for the treatment of active MS forms. Its therapeutic mechanism is the blockade of the a4-integrin
molecule of many leukocytes, which leads to a decrease of immune cells migration, in particular of lymphocytes, across
the blood-brain barrier. Furthermore, other promising molecules are under study in clinical trials. In this review, we
summarize and discuss the history, pharmacodynamics and safety of monoclonal antibodies that have been approved or
are under evaluation for the selective treatment of MS.