Title: Repinotan, A 5-HT1A Agonist, in the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Author(s): Helmi L. Lutsep
Infarct, ischemia, acute stroke treatment, neuroprotection, neuroprotectant, repinotan
Abstract: Serotonin agonists can reduce glutamate-induced excitotoxicity in cerebral ischemia. The potent 5- HT1A agonist BAY x 3702, or repinotan, has reduced cortical infarct volume in pre-clinical models even when given 5 hours after injury. Early clinical trials showed that the drug was safe, and displayed primarily serotonergic side effects such as nausea and vomiting. A phase IIb trial in moderate to moderately severe strokes completed enrollment in June 2004.