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Current HIV Research


ISSN (Print): 1570-162X
ISSN (Online): 1873-4251

Correlations Between Carotid IMT, Factor VIII Activity Level and Metabolic Disturbances: A Cardio-Vascular Risk Factor in the HIV Positive Persons

Author(s): Luc de Saint Martin, Elisabeth Pasquier, Olivier Vandhuick, Bertrand Arnaud, Sophie Vallet, Jerome Duchemin, Veronique Bellein and Luc Bressollette

Volume 5, Issue 3, 2007

Page: [361 - 364] Pages: 4

DOI: 10.2174/157016207780636498

Price: $65

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In the HIV infection, the short time-scale between the HIV-induced cardiovascular events and the onset of antiretroviral therapy elicits a thrombophilic co-factor that worsens the induced atherosclerosis. We compared the factor VIII plasma activity, previously implicated in arterial and venous thrombosis, with a surrogate marker of atherosclerosis, the carotid intima-media thickness, and with the usual atherosclerosis risk factors in 154 HIV infected outpatients. The FVIII plasma activity is significantly associated with the carotid intima-media thickness and, strongly, with blood glucose and triglycerides levels. A raised FVIII plasma activity is an important feature of the metabolic syndrome and a putative co-factor of HAART induced cardiovascular events. Thus the prevention of the HAARTinduced cardio-vascular events should probably not be exclusively focused on atherosclerosis but likewise on the thrombus formation process.

Keywords: highly active antiretroviral therapy, FVIII plasma levels, Protease Inhibitors, cardiovascular events, CD4 count

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