Title: Severe Preeclampsia
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Author(s): Gabriella Pridjian
Preeclampsia, eclampsia, intensive care, Maternal complications, delay ed delivery, Pulmonary Edema, Seizures, HELLP Syndrome, Posterior reversible leukoencephalopathy syndrome
Abstract: Preeclampsia is still one of the leading causes of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Improved understanding of the etiology of the disorder has not yet led us to a treatment paradigm which improves maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality in all instances. The degree of severity of preeclampsia is a continuum. However, based on certain criteria and in an attempt to de prevent bad outcome the presentation of the disease is often defined as “mild” or “severe”. Intensive care of mothers with severe preeclampsia and associated complications is not uncommon, and often involves women who lack prenatal care or have delayed diagnosis. Maternal complications can be many and include abrutio placenta, disseminated intravascular coagulation, the syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets (HELLP), pulmonary edema, eclampsia, stroke, visual loss, posterior reversible leukoencephalopathy, and death. The majority of women recover from severe preeclampsia without sequelae, but a small percentage will require intensive care to manage complications.