Title: The Use of Intravenous Aminobisphosphonates for the Treatment of Pagets Disease of Bone
Volume: 9
Issue: 9
Author(s): Luigi Gennari, Daniela Merlotti, Giuseppe Mossetti, Domenico Rendina, Vincenzo De Paola, Giuseppe Martini and Ranuccio Nuti
Paget's disease of bone, bone turnover, bisphosphonates, zoledronic acid, pamidronate, neridronate
Abstract: Pagets disease of bone is a focal skeletal disorder characterized by the formation of structurally abnormal bone, deformity and other complications leading to significant disability and bone pain. Recently, the availability of newer, more potent nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates has improved treatment outcomes, allowing a more effective and convenient management of this disorder.