Title: Cryptands by One-Pot Homoacetylenic Cu-Catalyzed Coupling – Synthesis, Structure and Properties
Volume: 6
Issue: 2
Author(s): Flavia Piron, Crina Cismas, Anamaria Terec, Jean Roncali and Ion Grosu
Cryptands, Cu-Catalyzed Coupling, Synthesis, macrobicyclic compounds, Triphenylmethane
Abstract: This review presents the synthesis of macrobicyclic compounds built from triphenylmethane, triphenylphosphine oxide units and other three-dimensional molecules with an aromatic core, as well as some fullerene precursors and buta-1,3-diynediyl spacers. The dependence of the coupling yield on the solvent, catalysts (Cu+ and/or Cu2+) and presence of oxygen is also addressed. The formation of inclusion complexes of these cage molecules with appropriately sized neutral guests such as solvent molecules (acetonitrile, benzene, dichloromethane, chloroform), cubane, benzyl cyanide and structural information of the host derivatives are also reviewed.