Title:Targeting the Key Signaling Pathways in Breast Cancer: From Molecular
Mechanism to Therapeutic Interventions
Volume: 19
Author(s): Deepika Singh*Ankit Sahoo
- Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shalom Institute of Health and Allied Sciences, Sam Higginbottom University
of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj-211008, India
breast cancer, Breast cancer stem cells, signaling pathway, inflammation
Abstract: Breast cancer is a public health issue in developing and developed countries. Nowadays, the concept of BCSC (breast cancer stem cell) is gaining popularity among oncology researchers. The breast cancer stem cell is a tiny cell fraction inside the tumor mass that shows
features that look like stem cells that are implicated in the genesis, recurrence, and metastasis of
breast cancer tumors. Extracellular cues, mutations, and epigenetic control all contribute to the
intricacy of gene expression control in Breast cancer stem cells. Thus, signaling pathways identified in breast cancer are Hedgehog and NOTCH, signal transducer and transcription 3, wingless-type MMTV integration site family (Wnt)/-catenin, and nuclear factor-kappa B, particularly
connected with a phenotype of stem cell. Furthermore, the tumor microenvironment, such as
hypoxic regions, can impact these BCSCs. Various approved signaling pathway targeted molecules have been patented, which show protective effects against breast cancer and have been
used in clinical uses. PARP inhibitors are found to be very useful in the treatment of breast cancer. Promoting studies on the molecular pathways underlying the development of cancer in
breast cancer patients was one of the main objectives of this study topic. The objective of this
review Topic was to discover new intrinsic and extrinsic molecular pathways. Research focusing on novel signaling pathways that may lead to novel treatments or identifying patients at-risk
of not responding to standard therapy approaches were the areas of focus we highlighted. The
paper covers the linkage between breast cancer stem cells and cellular signaling, the tumor microenvironment in BC, and the relevance of signaling pathways and their therapeutic interventions. The review also covered patent applications associated with these signaling pathways and
their prospects.