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Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


ISSN (Print): 1389-2010
ISSN (Online): 1873-4316

Review Article

An Update to Novel Therapeutic Options for Combating Tuberculosis: Challenges and Future Prospectives

Author(s): Swathi Suresh, Rukaiah Fatma Begum, Ankul Singh S.* and Chitra Vellapandian*

Volume 25, Issue 14, 2024

Published on: 16 January, 2024

Page: [1778 - 1790] Pages: 13

DOI: 10.2174/0113892010246389231012041120

Price: $65

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Drug repurposing is an ongoing and clever strategy that is being developed to eradicate tuberculosis amid challenges, of which one of the major challenges is the resistance developed towards antibiotics used in standard directly observed treatment, short-course regimen. Surpassing the challenges in developing anti-tuberculous drugs, some novel host-directed therapies, repurposed drugs, and drugs with novel targets are being studied, and few are being approved too. After almost 4 decades since the approval of rifampicin as a potent drug for drugsusceptible tuberculosis, the first drug to be approved for drug-resistant tuberculosis is bedaquiline. Ever since the urge to drug discovery has been at a brisk as this milestone in tuberculosis treatment has provoked the hunt for novel targets in tuberculosis. Host-directed therapy and repurposed drugs are in trend as their pharmacological and toxicological properties have already been researched for some other diseases making the trial facile. This review discusses the remonstrance faced by researchers in developing a drug candidate with a novel target, the furtherance in tuberculosis research, novel anti-tuberculosis agents approved so far, and candidates on trial including the host-directed therapy, repurposed drug and drug combinations that may prove to be potential in treating tuberculosis soon, aiming to augment the awareness in this context to the imminent researchers.

Keywords: Tuberculosis, pretomanid, host directed therapy, repurposed drugs, DOTS, bedaquiline.

Graphical Abstract
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