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Current Alzheimer Research


ISSN (Print): 1567-2050
ISSN (Online): 1875-5828

Research Article

Childhood Maltreatment and Dementia Risk Factors in Midlife: A Prospective Investigation

Author(s): Cathy S. Widom*, Hang H. Do, Kristin S. Lynch and Jennifer J. Manly

Volume 20, Issue 9, 2023

Published on: 28 December, 2023

Page: [636 - 647] Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/0115672050281539231222071355

Price: $65

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Background: Previous studies have linked childhood adversities to dementia risk, yet most studies are cross-sectional in design and utilize retrospective self-reports to assess childhood experiences. These design characteristics make it difficult to establish temporal order and draw firm conclusions.

Objectives: Using a longitudinal design, we sought to determine whether childhood maltreatment predicts dementia risk factors in middle adulthood.

Methods: Data have been obtained from a prospective cohort design study of children with documented cases of childhood maltreatment (ages 0-11 years at case identification) and demographically matched controls who were followed up and interviewed in middle adulthood. Outcomes were assessed through a medical examination and interview, and 807 of the cases that included blood collection at mean age 41. Dementia risk were investigated using 11 potentially modifiable risk factors.

Results: Compared to controls, individuals with histories of childhood maltreatment had a higher risk of low educational attainment, low social contact, smoking, and clinical depression, and a higher total number of dementia risk factors. In general, childhood maltreatment predicted a higher risk of dementia for females, males, and Black and White participants. Black maltreated participants had a greater risk for traumatic brain injury compared to Black controls. Physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect, each predicted a higher number of dementia risk factors in mid-life.

Conclusion: These findings provide evidence that childhood maltreatment increases the risk for dementia in mid-life and has a demonstrable impact lasting over 30 years. Reducing the prevalence of mid-life dementia risk factors could reduce the risk of later-life dementia.

Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, depression, malnutrition, obesity, diabetes.

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