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Current Microwave Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 2213-3356
ISSN (Online): 2213-3364

General Research Article

Ultrasonic Study of Novel Polymer Dextran in Aqueous Media at 12 MHz

Author(s): Subhraraj Panda*

Volume 10, Issue 2, 2023

Published on: 20 September, 2023

Page: [237 - 243] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/2213335610666230810094605

Price: $65

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Background: The characteristics of matter and the dynamics of molecular processes are examined by acoustic approaches. The primary techniques in molecular acoustics are the measurement of sound speed and sound absorption, as well as the relationship between these quantities and different physical variables including pressure, temperature, and wave frequency. Molecular acoustics emerged as a separate field in the 1930s. When it was discovered that many substances disperse the speed of sound during the transmission of sound waves through them and that the classical law, which states that the coefficient of absorption is proportional to the square of the frequency, however, it does not adequately describe how sound is absorbed.

Objective: The ultrasonic technique is employed because it is one of the most popular techniques, which is very easy to use, and provides precise velocity results. With careful analysis of the results, the correlation between solute and solvent was discovered. In the pharmaceutical, agricultural, and cosmetics industries, dextran and its derivatives from a few select strains have found a wide range of uses. This is why we have chosen it for our study. For assessing the impact of temperature and concentration on the aqueous medium containing the polymer dextran, ultrasonic properties are crucial. Pycnometer, Ostwald viscometer, and ultrasonic interferometer were used respectively to measure density (ρ), viscosity (η), and ultrasonic speed (u) at "303 K, 308 K, 313 K, 318 K, and 323 K." The experimental parameters are used to determine the acoustic parameters "adiabatic compressibility, Intermolecular free length, relaxation time, acoustic impedance, and Gibb's free energy".

Methods: To measure the density, viscosity, and ultrasonic velocity of the solution using a pycnometer, an Ostwald's viscometer, and an ultrasonic interferometer, and to calculate the thermo acoustical parameters based on the measured parameters.

Results: Applications for examining the physico-chemical behaviour of aqueous dextran using ultrasound include understanding the nature of molecular interactions.

Conclusion: It was investigated how concentration and temperature affected the thermoacoustic characteristics of aqueous dextran. Hydrogen bonds, charge transfer complexes, and the dissolution of hydrogen bonds and complexes are only a few examples of the forces that exist between molecules and how the analysis has interpreted their nature. Weak intermolecular forces exist.

Other: Recent developments in ultrasonic techniques have made them an effective tool for evaluating information regarding the physical and chemical behaviour of liquid molecules.

Keywords: Dextran, molecular interactions, thermo-acoustic parameters, frequency, solute and solvent.

Graphical Abstract
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