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Current Nutrition & Food Science


ISSN (Print): 1573-4013
ISSN (Online): 2212-3881

Review Article

Nutritional and Herbal Supplements for Weight Loss Management: A Review

Author(s): Ajay R. Nannar*, Raosaheb S. Shendge and Kishor S. Salunkhe

Volume 20, Issue 5, 2024

Published on: 18 August, 2023

Page: [636 - 645] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/1573401319666230725105537

Price: $65

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Millions of dollars have been spent on nutritional and herbal supplements, which are used by many overweight people to lose weight. However, there are concerns about the effectiveness and safety of several supplements. By boosting energy expenditure, satiety, fat oxidation, inhibiting dietary fat absorption, moderating carbohydrate metabolism, raising fat excretion, increasing water elimination, and improving mood, supplements are thought to aid in weight reduction. This study provides an overview of the present status of the research on a few particular dietary supplements, herbal combinations, and combination products, as this field is evolving quickly. More studies on numerous supplements are required to verify their efficacy because they have not been examined in randomised controlled trials. Nutritionists and medical experts should go through dietary supplement use with patients and notify the FDA of any negative side effects. Additional rules would be required for the manufacture, sale, and marketing of these supplements.

Keywords: Dietary supplements, herbal supplements, carbohydrate metabolism, efficacy, weight loss, FDA.

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