Title:Patient Radiation Doses assessment at Diagnostic X-rays Department of King
Khalid hospital (KKH)-Majmaah
Volume: 20
Author(s): Mohammed Khalil Saeed, Yousif Abdallah*, Abdelmonen Suilman, Mohamed Omer and Ali Sid Ahmed
- Department of Radiological Science and Medical Imaging, College of Applied Medical Science, Majmaah University, Al-Majmaah 11952, Saudia
Radiation doses, Diagnostic, X-rays, Patient, Radiation, Dosage.
The study was conducted on patients who received diagnostic X-rays in King Khalid Hospital (KKH), Majmaah.
The study included the seven most frequently performed investigations, which were carried out on over 1504 patients using digital radiography
The X-ray tube's output and exposure parameters were used to calculate the effective dose (ED) and patient entry surface air kerma (ESAK).
Additionally, based on these results, conversion coefficients were determined. This study also examined the 75th percentile distributions of ESAK
and KAP. The findings of this research were compared with the findings of other researchers throughout the country and the world. The study
presents the uncertainty U values, as well as the mean ESAK, KAP, and ED values.
The results of the ESAK, KAP, and ED values were 0.12-5.74 mGy, 0.9-1.84 Gy cm2, and 0.01-0.23 mSv, respectively. As a result, the dosages
were much lower than those previously published for the European DRL, national standards, and other studies.
The study concludes that during dose surveys, the importance of detecting and comprehending radiation doses, as well as the proper technique for
taking the finest photos possible, can be emphasized to patients in order to assist them in avoiding radioactive particles and radiation exposure.