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Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering


ISSN (Print): 2352-0965
ISSN (Online): 2352-0973

Research Article

Meshless Improved Algorithm for Ion Flow Field in Large-Span AC-DC Parallel Lines

Author(s): Ruiyong Zhang, Chenlin Cai*, Haibo Xi and Cheng Yao

Volume 16, Issue 6, 2023

Published on: 04 April, 2023

Page: [619 - 628] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/2352096516666230309153428

Price: $65

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Background: The research in this paper aims to address the effect of large-span AC lines on ion currents in parallel DC lines. This paper proposes an algorithm for solving mixed ion flow fields based on meshless radial point interpolation, which can accurately solve the ion flow field of large-span AC-DC parallel lines.

Methods: The shape function of the traditional meshless method is modified by polynomial radial point interpolation so that the shape function can satisfy the Kronecker-δ function property at the point where the boundary constraints are to be imposed so as to meet the requirements of directly applying the boundary constraints; Combined with the influencing factors of the AC line on the mixed ion flow field, the mixed ion flow field and the ion current density value was obtained.

Results: Using the proposed algorithm, the relative error of ion current density can be reduced to 4.5%, and the relative error of ion flow field can be reduced to 24%.

Conclusion: The simulation results are consistent with the measurement results, which proves the correctness and practicability of the mixed ion flow field solution algorithm based on meshless radial point interpolation.

Keywords: Large-span AC/DC parallel transmission line, mixed ion flow field, mixed ion current density, meshless method, Kaptzov assumption, radial point interpolation, boundary conditions.

Graphical Abstract
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