Title:Recent Advances in Biodecontamination of Aflatoxins in Foodstuffs:
Using Biomass (2011-2021)
Volume: 19
Issue: 9
Author(s): Ramona Massoud*Anousheh Sharifan
- Department of Food Technology, Iran National Standards Organization, Tehran, Iran
Aflatoxin, chemical, physical, bio-removal, decontamination, yeasts.
Background: Aflatoxin is one of the most hazardous toxins produced by Aspergillus
spp. and contaminates animal feed and therefore human food. Aflatoxin exposure causes several
health problems including liver, kidney, and intestine disorders for human beings. Therefore, an
efficient decontamination method for food stuff seems essential.
Objective: The aim of this mini-review was to go over the recent advances in the decontamination
of aflatoxins in foodstuffs and explain the bio-removal methods based on microorganisms
during the last decade.
Methods: Literature research was performed using the keywords “aflatoxin”, “bio removal”,
“decontamination”, “food”, and “biomass” individually or all together, in Scopus, Web of Science,
and Pubmed in the last decade.
Results: LABs and yeasts are the most useful and successful microorganisms in this field. These
methods are very efficient, specific, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective, also they do
not affect the nutritional value of the foodstuffs, unlike the physical or chemical techniques. The
bio-removal methods contain aflatoxin adsorption and degradation.
Conclusion: Although more studies and researches are required to evaluate the different types of
toxin removal using various microorganisms and their practical aspects and the highest efficiency
should be determined.