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Current Applied Materials


ISSN (Print): 2666-7312
ISSN (Online): 2666-7339

Research Article

Formation of Calcium Phosphate Apatite in System CaO-P2O5-H2O: Equilibrium at 298 K Under a Nitrogen Atmosphere

Author(s): Marina V. Chaikina and Natalia V. Bulina*

Volume 2, 2023

Published on: 27 October, 2022

Article ID: e061022209632 Pages: 12

DOI: 10.2174/2666731201666221006102124

Price: $65

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Aims: The formation of calcium phosphate apatite (hydroxyapatite, carbonate-containing hydroxyapatite, fluorapatite and carbonate-containing fluorapatite) in aqueous systems has been studied for over a century.

Background: However, in the region of low concentrations of liquid phases, the question of the nature, composition and region of existence of apatite compounds remains controversial.

Objective: The results of studying the phase equilibrium in the system CaO-P2O5-H2O at 298 K in the isotherm region from the invariant point of dicalcium phosphate and monocalcium phosphate monohydrate to the lowest concentrations of the liquid phase components are presented.

Methods: Chemical analysis, thermogravimetry, IR spectroscopy and optical microscopy were used for the analysis.

Results: Long-term monitoring of the establishment of equilibrium (up to 20 months) resulted in the determination of regions of stable solid phases of calcium orthophosphates, calcium-deficient apatites, hydroxyapatite, and apatite with (Ca/P)at >1.67. Two types of calcium-deficient apatite were identified that differ in the (Ca/P)at ratio: the first type is 1.33 < (Ca/P)at ≤ 1.5; the second one is 1.5 ≤ (Ca/P)at < 1.67.

Conclusion: The invariant points of calcium orthophosphates and compounds with the apatite structure were determined. The diagram was constructed using the Miller-Kenrick method based on obtained experimental data, which confirms the established regions and invariant points of stable equilibrium solid phases of the studied ternary system. The data obtained can be useful for understanding the processes of formation and change of compounds with apatite structure.

Keywords: Calcium phosphate system, equilibrium, hydroxyapatite formation, nitrogen atmosphere, apatite compounds, Miller- Kenrick method.

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