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Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


ISSN (Print): 1389-2010
ISSN (Online): 1873-4316

Review Article

AI in Health Science: A Perspective

Author(s): Raghav Mishra*, Kajal Chaudhary and Isha Mishra

Volume 24, Issue 9, 2023

Published on: 17 October, 2022

Page: [1149 - 1163] Pages: 15

DOI: 10.2174/1389201023666220929145220

Price: $65

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By helping practitioners understand complicated and varied types of data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has influenced medical practice deeply. It is the use of a computer to mimic intelligent behaviour. Many medical professions, particularly those reliant on imaging or surgery, are progressively developing AI. While AI cognitive component outperforms human intellect, it lacks awareness, emotions, intuition, and adaptability. With minimum human participation, AI is quickly growing in healthcare, and numerous AI applications have been created to address current issues. This article explains AI, its various elements and how to utilize them in healthcare. It also offers practical suggestions for developing an AI strategy to assist the digital healthcare transition.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, healthcare, applications, cancer, COVID-19.

Graphical Abstract
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