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Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1389-5575
ISSN (Online): 1875-5607

Mini-Review Article

Comparative Review of Effects of Pien Tze Huang and AnGong NiuHuang Pill and their Potential on Treatment of Central Nervous System Diseases

Author(s): Congsheng Liu, Zhiliang Chen, Sharon L.Y. Wu, Tony C.H. Chow, Rufina S.Y. Cheng, Jocy T.C. Lee and David T. Yew*

Volume 22, Issue 18, 2022

Published on: 17 May, 2022

Page: [2350 - 2360] Pages: 11

DOI: 10.2174/1389557522666220318111730

Price: $65

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The ancient composite formulae Angong Niuhuang pill and Pien Tze Huang, which were used a few hundred years ago to treat febrile disease and inflammation, respectively, are found to exert effects benefiting other neurological diseases and conditions. This short review introduces the main constituents of the two formulae, looking into both the cumulative synergetic and possible individual effects of each herb or animal apcoien. In essence, the main effects of Angong Niuhuang pill include anti-inflammation, antioxidation, anti-cell death, anticonvulsion, antiedema, antipyretic, antithrombotic, antimicrobial (bacteria, viruses, fungi), neuroprotective effects, and cardiovascular protection. The main effects of Pien Tze Huang include anti-inflammation, antioxidation, anti-cell death, antithrombotic, antimicrobial, neuroprotective effects, and cardiovascular protection. Comparing both composites, similarities in the effects and part of the components are found, showing some pharmacological evidence. This review casts light on research on the effects of neuroprotective and cardiovascular protective mechanisms as well as treatment mechanisms for cerebral accidents from the integrative medicine perspective.

Keywords: Composite formula, central nervous system, neuroprotection, cardioprotection, Calculus bovis, Moschus.

Graphical Abstract
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