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Current Medical Imaging


ISSN (Print): 1573-4056
ISSN (Online): 1875-6603

Research Article

The Learning-based Automatic Segmentation Algorithm of Brain MR Images Based on 7T

Author(s): Minghui Deng*, Jin Zhenhao, Ran Yu and Qingshuang Zeng

Volume 17, Issue 3, 2021

Published on: 06 August, 2020

Page: [342 - 351] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/1573405616666200806171509

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Background: The learning-based algorithms provide an ability to automatically estimate and refine GM, WM and CSF. The ground truth manually achieved from the 3T MR image may not be accurate and reliable with poor image intensity contrast. It will seriously influence the classification performance because the supervised learning-based algorithms extremely rely on the ground truth. Recently, the 7T MR images brings about the excellent image intensity contrast, while Structured Random Forest (SRF) performs the pixel-level classification and achieves structural and contextual information in images.

Materials and Methods: In this paper, a automatic segmentation algorithm is proposed based on ground truth achieved by the corresponding 7T subjects for segmenting the 3T&1.5T brain tissues using SRF classifiers. Through taking advantage of the 7T brain MR images, we can achieve the highly accuracy and reliable ground truth and then implement the training of SRF classifiers. Our proposed algorithm effectively integrates the T1-weighed images along with the probability maps to train the SRF classifiers for brain tissue segmentation.

Results: Specifically, for the mean Dice ratio of all 10 subjects, the proposed method achieved 95.14%±0.9%, 90.17%±1.83%, and 81.96%±4.32% for WM, GM, and CSF. With the experiment results, the proposed algorithm can achieve better performances than other automatic segmentation methods. Further experiments are performed on the 200 3T&1.5T brain MR images of ADNI dataset and our proposed method shows promised performances.

Conclusion: The authors have developed and validated a novel fully automated method for 3T brain MR image segmentation.

Keywords: Magnetic resonance imaging, machine learning, structured random forest, image processing, cerebral tissues, principal components analysis.

Graphical Abstract
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