Review Article

Inflammation as a Therapeutic Target for Various Deadly Disorders: A Review

Author(s): Ashwani K. Dhingra* and Bhawna Chopra

Volume 21, Issue 6, 2020

Page: [582 - 588] Pages: 7

DOI: 10.2174/1389450120666191204154115

Price: $65

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Inflammation is the multifaceted biological response of vascular tissues against injurious stimuli such as pathogens, irritants or infection. However, when inflammation goes away, it leads to produce quite serious life-threatening diseases like Alzheimer's, rheumatoid arthritis, heart attacks, colon cancer, etc. Therefore, inflammation suddenly has become one of the hottest areas of medical research. The present review article is aimed to provide a detailed outline of the fundamental causes and the surprising relationship of inflammation in the onset of sundry diseases or illnesses. Furthermore, the role of various anti-inflammatory drugs alone and in combination with other therapeutic drugs, in alleviating the life-threatening diseases has also been discussed.

Keywords: Inflammation, cancer, alzheimer, diabetes, auto-immune disorders, vascular tissues.

Graphical Abstract
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