The purpose of this chapter is to provide intervention strategies for students
with ADHD, seeking a work that involves parents, with orientation; the educators,
offering intervention strategies in the classroom, orientations as to behavior, and
adaptations in their own environment school, and other professionals involved in the
rehabilitation of this disorder, offering the choice of behavior and learning strategies
appropriate for different situations. The activities aimed to develop aspects of speech
(for language development, vocabulary expansion and textual integration), phonological
processing skills (favoring the development of mechanisms for reading and writing),
motor coordination (looking for improvement in the textual structure and formation of
the letters), reading comprehension (for the extraction of information about the material
read), and in general, some specific difficulties observed in the academic context (such
a sustained attention and concentration, minimizing stimuli that can increase
hyperactivity). The intervention strategies proposed prioritize the needs of students with
ADHD, and focus of intervention is to increase the frequency and duration of
appropriate behaviors, in different situations.
Keywords: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Intervention, Learning,
Reading, Writing.