The invention and administration of novel antiretroviral therapies (ART) has
led to the increased lifespan of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) especially in the
developed world and thus, we are facing with increased number of HIV infected people
over the age of 50 years. It seems that HIV infection may accelerate the aging process
by accelerating the shortening of telomeres. Several adverse habits such as smoking
and drug abuse as well as co-infection with other pathogens are more common among
PLHIV. So, by increasing the age, inappropriate lifestyle and adverse habits such as
cigarette smoking, drinking a lot of coffee, being physically inactive or inappropriate
activity, opium and drug abuse and alcoholism put people in higher risk of
osteoporosis. Several issues should be considered about aging like osteoporosis,
neurocognitive impairment, cardiovascular disorders, and impairment of liver function
along with the especial consideration about ART in elderly. There are several
recommendations for slowing down the aging process in PLHIV. The cessation of
cigarette smoking is the main step to prevent undesirable complications such as lung
diseases and cancer, increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, bone mineral loss,
muscle wasting and memory disorders. Drug abuse, especially some newer drugs like
amphetamines and “crystal” may lead to several memory and behavioral impairment,
depression and suicide. Regular exercise is another health habit that should be
promoted among older PLHIV.
Keywords: Aging, ART, Cardiovascular disorders, CD4 cells, Drug abuse,
Lipodystrophy, Neurocognitive impairment, Osteoporosis, PLHIV, Smoking.