Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal abnormality. A variety
of neurological manifestations including stroke, epilepsy, cervical spinal cord
compression, and basal ganglia damage may complicate the syndrome. As the
neurologists have little chance to see a good number of DS patients and hence their
expertise in this field is lesser than psychiatrists, it is suggested that cooperation
between both neurologists and psychiatrists especially the learning disability might lead
to better outcome of neurological complications of DS. This chapter reviews the
commonest neurological complications associated with DS.
Keywords: Alzheimer disease, Antiphospholipid antibodies, Atlanto-axial
subluxation, Cerebral infarction, Cervical spinal cord compression, Children,
Cognitive functions, Dementia, Down syndrome, EEG, Epilepsy, GABAergic
transmission, Hypotonia, Intellectual disability, Memory, Mental retardation,
Moyamoya disease, Pronoun comprehension, Protein C deficiency, Stroke,
Trisomy 21.