The ultrasound in posterior segment pathologies is the gold standard
examination technique in cases of media opacities, when a cataract or vitreous
hemorrhage exists. The first technique used to visualize the posterior segment is the
echography. The ultrasound examination is fundamental in retina pathologies as retinal
detachment in patients with cataracts. Its importance has been increased with the
introduction of color Doppler echography which helps us in vasculophaties as arterial or
venous occlusions or in patients with diabetic retinopathy. Furthermore, echography is
useful in postoperative vitreous-retina patients, to detect new retinal detachments or
peripheral new vessels growth in cases of recidivant hemorrhages.
Keywords: Vitreous echography, retina echography, choroid echography, scleral
ultrasound, retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, diabetic retinopathy, uveitis