Space weather was the subject of this chapter. Space weather was defined
and both solar and non-solar causes were considered. Geomagnetic storms were
discussed. The potentially lethal nature of CMEs was examined. Solar flares and their
extreme consequences for the Earth were analyzed, as were sunspots. The destructive
effects of space weather were discussed. Space weather studies were considered, as was
space weather radar and a space weather shield. Three types of solar storms were
mentioned. The space weather-related Canadian blackout of 1989 was discussed. Space
weather programs were examined, the NSWP in particular. The environmental
significance of space weather was documented. The role of space weather in the
decayed orbit of Skylab was considered.
Keywords: Active region 5395, ADEOS-2, Advanced Composition Explorer,
Canadian blackout of 1989, Central New York Railroad, CME, decayed orbit,
Deccan Herald, Galaxy 4 Satellite, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Sea
Winds Instrument, National Space Weather Program, Skylab, Solar and
Heliospheric Observatory, solar flares, sunspots, University of Strathclyde.