Latest advances in network sensor technology and state of the art of mobile
robotics and artificial intelligence research can be employed to develop autonomous and
distributed monitoring systems. We have been developing “Intelligent Space (iSpace),”
which is a space with ubiquitous sensors and actuators. Most of intelligent system interacts
with human in a passive space, but iSpace, a space that contains human and artificial
systems, is an intelligent system itself. Specific tasks, which cannot be achieved by the
iSpace, are accomplished by using the artificial systems. For examples, iSpace utilizes
computer monitors to provide information to the human, and robots are utilized to provide
physical services to the human as physical agents. In this chapter, we summarize the
present state of iSpace and describe the future work from the viewpoint of system integration.
We introduce our ongoing researches on essential functions of iSpace – “observation,”
“recognition” and “actuation.”