Type 2 diabetes mellitus, with an increasing prevalence in both developing and developed
countries, has become one of the major health threats to the human being. According to the
International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the number of patients with diabetes is 285 million in the year
of 2010 and will rise to 438 million in 2030. The greater increase will occur in the developing countries
than in developed world. Most recent data have shown that the prevalence of diabetes increased about 9
folds from 1980 (1.0%) to 2008 (9.7%) in China. This explosive increase in prevalence of diabetes is
mostly attributed to the increase in risk profiles at a population level including population aging,
obesity, physically inactive and unhealthy diet. Diabetes prevention programs that target lifestyle
intervention are urgently needed.
Keywords: Type 2 diabetes, prevalence, secular trend, risk factors.