There is a growing demand for the development of new anticancer drugs
owing to the worldwide increase in cancer mortality. Algal polysaccharides, such as
fucoidan, alginate, laminarin, carrageenan, porphyran, ulvan and calcium spirulan, have
been recognized as natural products with potential good anticancer properties against a
variety of cancer cell lines in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, they can be used for the
development of natural anticancer drugs with fewer side effects than synthetic ones.
Additionally, algal polysaccharides can be used as an adjuvant treatment to mitigate
undesirable side effects and promote the anticancer properties of clinical anticancer
drugs. This chapter focuses on the recent anticancer properties of algal polysaccharides
from different algal groups as well as their mode of action.
Keywords: Adjuvant activity, Anticancer mechanism, Alginate, Ascophyllan, Calcium spirulan, Carrageenan, Fucoidan, Laminarin, Porphyran, Structureactivity relationship, Ulvan.