Over the years, there has been significant research on various aspects of
nanotechnology in various domains that have found applications in diverse domains. In
the healthcare sector, there have been rapid advances in the application of
nanotechnology for prevention, treatment and diagnosis, leading to extensive
publications as well as patent filings. The patent landscape study presented in this
chapter covers year-wise trends in nanotechnology-based patent filings in healthcare
domains such as diagnostics, therapeutics, theranostics, drug delivery, pharmaceutical
compositions, pharmaceutical preparations, etc. This broad and high-level overview of
patent filing trends may be used to give at least an approximate indication of past,
present, and future research activities, anticipated spend and expected opportunities.
Given the fact that patent filing and prosecution activities are expensive and need
investments beyond mere R&D in terms of patent filing, prosecuting and enforcing the
patent rights in various geographies may be indicative of general interest in each of
these topics, including past investments and future expectations.
Keywords: Composition, Diagnostics, Data, Delivery, Drug, Health, Medicine, Nanotechnology, Patents, Pharmaceutical, Preparation, Research, Technology, Ttheranostics, Ttherapeutics